

Social Issues Publications


Schwartz CE, Andresen EM, Nosek MA, Krahn GL. Response Shift Theory: Important Implications for Measuring Quality of Life in People With Disability. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007;88(4):529-36.

Nosek, M. A., Walter, L. A. (1998). Community integration of women with spinal cord injuries: An examination of psychological, social, vocational, and environmental factors. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Vol. 4 (2), 41-55.

Rintala, D. H., Howland, C. A., Nosek, M. A., Bennett. J. L., Young, M. E., Foley, C. C., Rossi, C. D., Chanpong, G. F. (1997). Dating issues for women with physical disabilities. Sexuality and Disability, 15 (4), 219-242.

Nosek, M. A. (1995). Women and vocational rehabilitation. An urgent need for new directions. In Perlman and Hansen's (ed. ), Vocational Rehabilitation: Preparing for the 21st Century, A Report on the 18th Mary E. Switzer Memorial Seminar, Alexandria, VA, National Rehabilitation Association, 74-76.

Nosek, M. A. (1992). The political responses to long term disability. In Whiteneck, G. G. (ed). Aging with spinal cord injury. (pp. 263-274). New York: Demos Publications.

Nosek, M. A. (1992). Commentary. In Barton, L., Ballard, K., and Fulcher, G. (Ed). Disability and the necessity for a socio-political perspective, (pp. 43-44). I. E. E. I. R., W. R. F., and University of New Hampshire.

Nosek, M. A. (1991). The United Nations international decade of disabled persons: Some accomplishments in the United States of America. In Kojima, Y. (ed. ). National Information of the Social Progress Throughout the U N Decade of Disabled Persons. Tokyo The Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled.

Nosek, M. A. (1991). Consumerism in the vocational rehabilitation system. Momentum Magazine.