Session 1: Welcome to GoWoman
- About GoWoman
- Second Life etiquette
- Participant introductions
- Program goals
- Content overview
Session 2: Becoming a Fat/Calorie Detective
- Disability and obesity
- Monitoring your fat intake
- Setting a personal fat gram goal
Session 3: Three Ways to Eat Less Fat
- Tracking your weight
- Strategies for reducing fat and calories
- Portion size
- Value of weighing and measuring foods
- Tips for weighing and measuring foods
- Suggestions for 鈥淢enu Make-overs鈥
Session 4: Problem Solving and Action Planning
- Tips for healthy eating
- Five steps for effective problem solving
- Developing an action plan
- Using the Internet for health information
Session 5: Talking Back to Negative Thoughts
- Recognizing negative thoughts
- Talking back to negative thoughts
- Depression and weight gain
- Abuse and weight gain
Session 6: Move Mindfully
- Importance of being active
- How to move mindfully
- Choosing the right kind of exercise for you
- Keeping track of your physical activity
- Benefits of being physically active
Session 7: Being Active 鈥揂 Way of Life
- Choosing an active lifestyle
- Keeping it safe
- Doing safe and easy stretches
Session 8: MyPlate and Tipping the Calorie Balance
- Introduce and discuss MyPlate
- Tipping the calorie balance
- Calories and disability
- Setting a personal calorie goal
- Action Planning
Session 9: Addressing Three Common Barriers to Healthy Eating
- Living in a food desert
- Healthy eating on a budget
- Keeping control when others cook for you
Session 10: Take Charge of What鈥檚 Around You
- Understanding cues or triggers that make us want to eat
- Changing cues and habits
- Using cues to promote physical activity
- Internal cues affect our behavior
- Sleep deprivation and weight loss effort
Session 11: Making Healthy Food Choices When Eating Out
- Keys to healthy eating when eating out
- Making healthy food choices when eating out
- Eating healthy fast food
Session 11: Making Healthy Food Choices When Eating Out
- Keys to healthy eating when eating out
- Making healthy food choices when eating out
- Eating healthy fast food
Session 12: The Slippery Slop of Lifestyle Change
- Changes made so far
- Progress towards your goals and roadblocks encountered
- Issues that can complicate weight loss
- Slips and how to handle them
Session 13: Jump Start your Activity Plan
- Jump starting your routine, giving it new energy
- Add variety to your physical activity routine to prevent boredom
- Improve your aerobic fitness by using F.I.T.T. principles
- Pay attention to how hard you are working
Session 14: Responding to Social Cues
- The power of social cues and how we behave around other people
- How to deal with social cues
- Planning special events
- Strategies to help stay on course and get other people involved to help you
Session 15: You Can Manage Stress
- Stress and its causes
- Ways to prevent and cope with stress
- Handling stress related to the program
- Stress from pain and fatigue
Session 16: Ways to Stay Motivated
- Your progress
- Ways to stay motivated
- Planning for the future