

Psychological Health Publications


Curry, M. A., Renker, P., Hughes, R. B., Robinson-Whelen, S., Oschwald, M., Swank, P., and Powers, L. (2009). Development of measures of abuse among women with disabilities and the characteristics of their perpetrators. Violence Against Women, 15(9), 1001-25.

Powers, L., Renker, P., Robinson-Whelen, S., Oschwald, M., Hughes, R. B., Swank, P, & Curry, M. (2009). Interpersonal violence and women with disabilities: Analysis of safety promoting behaviors. Violence Against Women, 15(9), 1040-69.

Robinson-Whelen, S., Hughes, R. B., Powers, L. E., Renker, P., Oschwald, M., Swank, P., and Curry, M. A. (submitted for publication). Efficacy of a computerized abuse and safety assessment intervention for women with disabilities.

Morgan RO, Byrne MM, Hughes RB, Petersen NJ, Taylor HB, Robinson-Whelen S, Hasche JC, Nosek MA. Do secondary conditions explain the relationship between depression and health care cost in women with physical disabilities? Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2008;89:1880-6.

Nosek MA, Hughes RB, Robinson-Whelen S. The complex array of antecedents of depression in women with physical disabilities: Implications for clinicians. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2008;30(3):174-83.

Hughes RB, Nosek MA, Robinson-Whelen S. Correlates of depression in rural women with physical disabilities. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2007;36(1):105-14.

Robinson-Whelen, S., Hughes, R. B., Taylor, H. B., Hall, J. W., & Rehm, L. P. (2007). Depression self-management program for rural women with physical disabilities. Rehabilitation Psychology, 52(3), 254-62.

Hughes RB, Robinson-Whelen S, Taylor HB, Hall JW. Stress self-management: an intervention for women with physical disabilities. Women's Health Issues 2006;16(6):389-99.

Nosek MA, Taylor HB, Hughes RB, Taylor P. (2006) Disability, psychosocial, and demographic characteristics of abused women with physical disabilities. Violence Against Women. 12: 838-50.

Hughes RB, Taylor HB, Robinson-Whelen S, Nosek MA. Stress and women with physical disabilities: Identifying psychosocial correlates. Women's Health Issues. 2005;15:14-20.

Hughes RB, Robinson-Whelen S, Taylor HB, Petersen N, Nosek MA. Characteristics of depressed and non-depressed women with physical disabilities. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2005;80:473-9.

Hughes RB, Taylor HB, Robinson-Whelen S, Swedlund N, Nosek MA. Enhancing self-esteem in women with physical disabilities. Rehabil Psychol. 2004;19(4):295-302.

Nosek, M. A., Hughes, R. B. (2003) Psychosocial issues of women with physical disabilities: The continuing gender debate. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 46(4), 224-33.

Nosek, M. A., Hughes, R. B., Swedlund, N., Swank, P., Walter, L. J. (2003) Self-esteem and women with disabilities. Social Science and Medicine 56: 1737-47.

Hughes, R. B., Swedlund, N., Petersen, N., Nosek, M. A. (2001) Depression and Women with Spinal Cord Injury. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 7(1) 16-24.

Nosek, M. A., Walter, L. A. (1998). Community integration of women with spinal cord injuries: An examination of psychological, social, vocational, and environmental factors. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Vol. 4 (2), 41-55.

Nosek, M. A., Parker, R., Larsen, S. (1987). Psychosocial independence and functional abilities: Their relationship in adults with severe musculoskeletal impairments. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 68, 840-5.