

Blackboard Collaboration Tools


Discussion Boards


The Discussion Board is an area where instructor and student comments are organized into an asynchronous conversation. Participants can post and reply to others' posts. Some faculty members provide discussion boards for student-driven help sessions, content generation and group collaboration. Students who are reluctant to speak in the classroom have been known to participate more in this setting.

Discussion boards can approximate the Socratic Method, allowing discovery through discussion. Although designed for text-based interaction, various media (image, video) and attached files can also be shared.

Conversations are organized within a topic forum as threads that contain a main posting and all corresponding replies. Discussion boards can be restricted to a particular date range or group of students. Evaluation tools in Blackboard allow you to monitor student participation. If desired, grades can be entered in the Grade Center.

For more information about Discussion Boards, select from the following:


Discussion Board Grading




Blog writing assignments are a medium for reflective learning. For topics such as daily experiences or the progression of a project, blogs are ideal because of their chronological structure. Your students can have individual blogs or your groups can have shared blogs. Video, audio, images and links to external websites can also be included. This is an effective tool for students to post short pieces of writing and receive feedback from instructors or peers through comments.

Blackboard Blogs, Wikis, and Journals

  • Allows for creation of multiple blogs, wikis, and journals for a course or individual. Groups are limited to only one blog, wiki, or journal through the Groups tool.
  • Does not allow for the creation of assignment templates for copying of prompts.
  • Does not allow for blogs, wikis, or journals to be exported outside of the Blackboard system.
  • Offers integration with Needs Grading in Blackboard. Grading can be done while viewing students' posts, and grades will automatically transfer to the Grade Center.
  • Allows Instructors to use Blackboard Rubrics for grading.
  • Does not allow Instructors to make blogs, wikis, and journals "read-only" after a specific date. Instructors can set availability restrictions.
  • Blogs, wikis, and journals will take on the theme of the Blackboard course.
  • Users must be logged into Blackboard to be able to access blogs, wikis, or journals.




Wikis provide a collaborative space where students can view, contribute and edit shared content. Much like building a Web page with a content management system, students can add images, videos, web links and other content to wiki pages. You can use wikis as a resource for students to view information and content relevant to your course.

Wikis can be available to the course as a whole or restricted to groups of students. The Wiki tool keeps track of the changes the students have made, allowing students to show ownership of their work so that you can evaluate student participation. You and other students can leave comments on each page of the wiki, allowing for prompt feedback.

Blackboard Blogs, Wikis, and Journals

  • Allows for creation of multiple blogs, wikis, and journals for a course or individual. Groups are limited to only one blog, wiki, or journal through the Groups tool.
  • Does not allow for the creation of assignment templates for copying of prompts.
  • Does not allow for blogs, wikis, or journals to be exported outside of the Blackboard system.
  • Offers integration with Needs Grading in Blackboard. Grading can be done while viewing students' posts, and grades will automatically transfer to the Grade Center.
  • Allows Instructors to use Blackboard Rubrics for grading.
  • Does not allow Instructors to make blogs, wikis, and journals "read-only" after a specific date. Instructors can set availability restrictions.
  • Blogs, wikis, and journals will take on the theme of the Blackboard course.
  • Users must be logged into Blackboard to be able to access blogs, wikis, or journals.