Supported Files
The SafeAssign plagiarism detection service supports the following file formats:
- Microsoft Word documents i.e., files with .doc and .docx file name extensions
- Acrobat documents: .pdf
- HTML files: .htm and .html
- rich-text files: .rtf
- plain-text files: .txt
- open office documents: .odt
- zip files: .zip
Recommended practices
It is highly recommended that students and instructors name documents submitted to SafeAssign using only alphanumeric characters, the period, the underscore, and the hyphen, and one of the aforementioned file types; for example or
In particular, using space/blank characters, quotation marks, diacritical marks, the pound sign, percent sign, and any other special characters should be avoided when naming documents for SafeAssign and for most any other Web-based/cloud computing application.
SafeAssign offers accessibility features that allows users to easily navigate and read the SafeAssign web interface. The web interface supports screen readers for all available creator and viewer interfaces. The web interface also support keyboard access, allowing you to use the tab key to access all available functions. All sessions fully support adding and displaying captions. For additional information on SafeAssign鈥檚 accessibility features, visit .