

IDDRC Neurobehavior Core


About the Core


The BCM IDDRC Neurobehavioral Core provides investigators at 草榴社区入口 with expert consultation, access and training on many behavioral assays. We have two core facilities available, one located in the Transgenic Mouse Facility (TMF) and one in the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute (NRI) animal facility.

IDDRC investigators receive priority use of the equipment and training opportunities. Collaborative studies for both rat and mouse behavior are available with Dr. Samaco.


Services Available


Behavioral tests are available for a wide range of behaviors, including activity, anxiety, repetitive behaviors, motor coordination and function, sensory and sensorimotor, learning and memory, social behavior, and depression. View a full list of

Consultation: Experimental design, behavioral assays, data analysis

Training: Training for specific assays provided by expert staff

Service: Full range of behavioral analysis conducted by expert staff

Innovation: Development of novel assays for needs of investigators

Education: Workshops on various topics and data clinic, e.g. technical issues, trouble-shooting, topics in behavioral neuroscience/genetics


Information for Users


Training for and use of the core facilities is currently available free of charge to all BCM investigators. When requesting training, please follow this process:

1. Email Dr. Samaco and/or Dr. Veeraragavan several weeks before beginning your studies for a consultation. It is not necessary to have an approved animal protocol for a consultation.

2. Update your lab's IACUC animal protocol(s) to include assays to be performed and all persons performing the assays. Please contact Dr. Veeraragavan for assistance with updating animal protocols so that the approved protocol is not significantly different than the core's working protocols.

3. After your protocol is approved, email Dr. Veeraragavan your training request, preferably one to two months prior to beginning studies.

4. Once your training is complete, you will have access to the core calendars to schedule your study.




Check out our recent publications using the core




We ask that users acknowledge the IDDRC on all publications as follows:

"The project described was supported in part by the Neurobehavioral Core at 草榴社区入口, which is supported by IDDRC grant number  P50103555 from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development of the National Institutes of Health."