

CTRID T32 Postdoctoral Research Training Program


T32 Training Grant in Thrombosis and Inflammation


Agency/Institute: NHLBI
Grant Number: T32 HL139425
Project Period: Aug. 1, 2018 - April 30, 2029
Information for Applicants:


About Our Program


The NIH/NHLBI T32 training grant, Collaborative Research Training in Thrombosis and Inflammation, is designed to train MD, M.D./Ph.D., and Ph.D. postdoctoral scientists for collaborative research careers in two inter-related topics: thrombosis and inflammation. There is increasing evidence of a direct relationship between thrombosis and inflammation in numerous human diseases. As examples, inflammation contributes to the pathogenesis of thrombotic disorders such as stroke and coronary artery disease, while thrombosis influences disease severity in conditions associated with inflammation including sepsis, autoimmune diseases and cancer. While thrombosis and inflammation often coexist, to our knowledge, this is the only T32 program in the nation focused specifically on both processes.

Postdoctoral Appointments

The program appoints two physician-scientist (M.D. and/or M.D./Ph.D). and two Ph.D. scientist trainees, preferably for two-year appointments.

Eligibility Requirements

NIH T32 requires that trainees must be citizens or a noncitizen national of the United States or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence by training appointment date.

Program Faculty

Trainees have the opportunity to train with an outstanding multidisciplinary group of faculty, from five academic departments at BCM, who share a collective focus on the mechanistic understanding of disorders involving thrombosis and inflammation. The training faculty have well-funded research programs that span from basic science to animal models of disease, to clinical research. Graduates of this program will be strongly poised to transfer insights from the laboratory bench to the bedside and will be well-prepared for independent research careers. Senior faculty members in CTRID have a strong record of mentoring trainees toward obtaining career development awards from the NIH, VA, and major foundations as well as independent investigator awards (i.e., NIH R01, VA Merit Review Award, etc.). In addition to training physician-scientists in biomedical research, Ph.D. scientists will be trained in translational medicine offering a direct interaction with patients with clinical conditions related to the focus of this T32. Ph.D. trainees will be paired with physician trainees during these clinical practicums; this collaborative aspect of the program will teach Ph.D. postdoctoral fellows the clinical relevance of biomedical research and the benefits of bi-directional collaboration between Ph.D. and MD scientists.


Curriculum Schedule


Our program focuses on investigating the relationship between thrombosis and inflammation through didactics and practicum.


Current T32 Trainees

First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Postdoctoral Fellow
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Postdoctoral Associate
First Name
Last Name
PGY-3 MeRIT Resident
First Name
Last Name
Postdoctoral Fellow