The Cytometry and Cell Sorting Core provides researchers access to state-of-the-art technology and services, including:
Cell Sorting/Separating
- BD FACSAria Cell Sorting Flow Cytometer
- BD FACSAriaII Cell Sorting Flow Cytometer
- BD FACSAriaIII Cell Sorting Flow Cytometer
- Sony MA900 Cell Sorting Flow Cytometer
- Union Biometrica BioSorter Large Cell Sorting Flow Cytometer
- Sorter configurations
- Sort Training
- Miltenyi AutoMACS Pro Magnetic Cell Separator
- Miltenyi GentleMACS Tissue Dissociator
Cell Analysis
- Cytek Aurora Spectral Analyzer
- BD FACSymphony High Parameter Analyzer
- Fluidigm Helios and Hyperion Mass Cytometry Analyzer
- Cytek ImageStreamX Mark II
- 2 BD LSRII Analyzers
- 2 BD FACSCanto II Analyzers
- BD LSRFortessa Analyzer
- Attune Acoustic Focusing Cytometer Analyzer
- Analyzer Configurations
- Beckman Coulter Vi-CELL Cell Viability Counter
- Computer Workstations
- Data Server- CCSC Share Drive
This facility serves as the source for experimental design consultation and instrumentation training.