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The CCSC has 9 analyzers:
- BD LSRFortessa
- BD Symphony
- 2 BD CantoIIs
- ThermoFisher Acoustic Focusing Attune NxT
- Cytek Aurora Spectral analyzer
- Cytek ImageStreamX Mark II
The core also has 5 sorters:
- 2 five-laser BD FACSAriaIIs
- Three-laser BD FACSAriaII
- Four-laser Sony MA900
- Two-laser Union Biometrica BioSorter
In addition, we offer:
- Automated Viability Analyzer/Cell Counter (Vi-Cell)
- AutoMACS Pro Magnetic Column Cell Separator
- GentleMACS tissue dissociator
- Three computers at our workstations (3 PCs)
Training is offered on all instruments.
Training Types
We offer six main types of training (request all training by email):
- Analyzer Training - $350 - (acquire data on fluorescence expression). Typically 3 days (4-5 hours apiece) on a Monday-Wednesday.
- Aria Sort Training - $120/hour - (analyze AND deflect a certain population of cells to be collected for downstream applications). Typically 16-20 hours of one on one training. Requests to be trained will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
- Sony MA900 Sort Training - $120/hour-(analyze the fluorescence expression AND deflect a certain population of cells to be collected downstream applications). Typically 10-12 hours of one on one training.
- Vi-Cell Training- Complementary ~30 minutes - (cell counter and viability analyzer).
- AutoMACS Pro Training- Complementary ~1 hour - (magnetic cell separator).
- GentleMACS Training - Complementary ~10 minutes- (tissue dissociator).