General Information
Please visit our central patient information page for information on insurance, pay online, billing, hotel/motel guide, customer service, privacy practices (HIPAA), and forms including general health, Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information (medical records), and Patient Relationship Agreement.
Ob/Gyn Patient Information
The following patient information will facilitate your care:
[]. This packet provides important information for our obstetrics patients including a pregnancy checklist by trimester, an explanation of managed care, maternity programs and resources, and a contact list to be used throughout your pregnancy.
. Answers to many of your questions including what medications are safe to take during pregnancy.
Medication refills are valid for one year. Please allow two days for your refill to be approved. Refill requests for birth control pills and hormones are not processed on weekends. Your pharmacist should call our office two weeks before your last available dosage to avoid interruptions to your medication schedule.
Normal lab results are mailed to you within two weeks of your visit. Please call us if you have not received your results during this period.
Abnormal results. Your Baylor physician will call you if your results are abnormal.
Family Medical Leave Act. Your request will be processed about one week from the date you submit the form.
Appointment times. Please be punctual for your scheduled appointment. We strive to respect your time, your physician's schedule and the schedules of other patients. If you are more than 20 minutes late, you may be asked to reschedule your appointment.
Easy, convenient access to your obstetrics and gynecology medical records. Learn more.