

MFMU Study: A Trial of Pessary and Progesterone for Preterm Prevention in Twin Gestation With a Short Cervix (PROSPECT) (H-53697)



Multiple gestation increases the risk of preterm delivery. Babies born preterm have increased rates of neonatal mortality and long-term neurodevelopmental morbidities. Short cervical length is known to be an important risk factor for spontaneous preterm birth and to occur more frequently in women with a twin gestation. Although there is no evidence that progesterone reduces the risk of preterm birth in multifetal gestation, there is evidence that progesterone reduces the risk of prematurity in singleton gestations complicated with a short cervix. This protocol outlines a randomized trial of 630 women evaluating the use of micronized vaginal progesterone or pessary versus control (placebo) to prevent early preterm birth in women carrying twins and with a cervical length of less than 30 millimeters.

IRB: H-53697




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