

TD-KINECTion Study (H-53590)



Do you have tardive dyskinesia?

The TD-KINECTion Study is looking to see if taking valbenazine can improve the quality of life and overall health of people with tardive dyskinesia (TD). Valbenazine is an approved medication for TD, a condition where a person cannot control their body’s movements. TD may develop after taking some mental health medications such as antipsychotic drugs. 

We are looking for people who:

  • Are 18 years of age or older
  • Have been diagnosed with TD more than three months ago
  • Have one of the following:
    • Schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
    • Bipolar disorder
    • Major depressive disorder

The TD-KINECTion Study will last for about six to seven months.

Participants will take valbenazine once daily and have seven study visits and two virtual visits (such as a telephone call).

Paricipants will be compensated for their time, travel and meal.

IRB: H-53590




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