

Adapting And Assessing The Feasibility Of A Telehealth Diabetes Prevention Program For Hispanic Adolescents (H-50331)



Hispanic adolescents with obesity are disproportionately burdened by type 2 diabetes (T2D). Telehealth is a potentially effective approach for delivering disease prevention programs as it enables the delivery of prevention programming without the need for transportation, childcare, and scheduling issues caused by non-traditional parent work schedules. Unfortunately, there are no theory- or evidence-based telehealth diabetes prevention program for Hispanic adolescents. Therefore the purpose of this study is to adapt an evidence-based diabetes prevention program for delivery via telehealth and to test the feasibility of this study among Hispanic adolescents (N=3; 12-16 years) with obesity. In light of the public health goal to decrease health disparities for Hispanic populations, this study has the potential to lead to a program that can reduce obesity-related chronic conditions among Hispanic adolescents. 

IRB: H-50331




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