

A Study to Evaluate Intravenous Prasinezumab in Participants with Early Parkinson's Disease (H-49270)



The purpose of this research is to compare the effects, good or bad, of prasinezumab versus placebo on patients with early Parkinson's disease who are taking standard medication to manage their symptoms.  Prasinezumab is an experimental drug, which means that the FDA has not approved it for the treatment of Parkinson's disease or any other indication.  

Prasinezumab is a type of medication called a 'monoclonal antibody'. Antibodies are proteins that are produced by your body when your immune system is activated. Monoclonal antibodies are antibodies which have been engineered to recognize and bind to a specific type of protein. Prasinezumab binds to a protein called 〈-synuclein, which is normally found in the human brain. In people with Parkinson’s disease, 〈-synuclein clumps together inside brain cells, which causes the cells to become unhealthy. Disease symptoms are related to the amount of abnormal 〈-synuclein clumps, and where in the brain they are located. Prasinezumab may clear away harmful forms of 〈-synuclein to prevent damage to brain cells, potentially slowing the course of Parkinson’s disease.

IRB: H-49270




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