

Iron Status and Brain Structure and Function (H-46673)



Do iron levels affect brain structure and feelings?


Iron Deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world. It can be associated with problems with attention, learning, and even depression and anxiety. In this study, we would like to learn how the amount of iron children and teens have in their body affects the amount of iron they have in their brain and whether this affects brain development, thinking, and emotions. This study is funded by the National Institute of Health.

What does the study entail?

  • One in-person visit at our clinic that lasts about 4-5 hours.
  • Participants will be asked to complete questionnaires and memory games. They will also be asked to undergo a blood draw, a brief physical exam, and a brain scan (MRI) and to give us stool (optional) and urine samples.  
  • Participants will be compensated $35-$150 depending on how much of the study they complete, in addition to reimbursement for transportation expenses.
  • Participants will also receive a copy of their brain scan (MRI) and a meal.

Study requirements 

  • Must be 10-17 years of age. 
  • Diagnosed with depression or anxiety and not taking any psychiatric medications, OR kids taking risperidone for at least 6 months, OR kids who have never experienced a psychiatric illness. 

If you are interested in the study, please complete an .

IRB: H-46673




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