

RADIANT (Rare and Atypical Diabetes Network) (H-46235)



The purpose of RADIANT study is to discovery and classify new and unusual forms of diabetes.

Patients with diabetes are typically classified as having "type 1" or "type 2" diabetes, but many persons do not fit into these categories. They may have atypical or new forms of diabetes and need a more precise diagnosis and specific treatment. 

RADIANT expects to screen 1500-2,000 people who believe they may have atypical forms of diabetes. The researchers will select many of those who are screened to gather detailed clinical and biological information through a wide range of tests, including genome sequencing, blood samples, physical exams and questionnaires, and many may get additional specialized tests based on their specific characteristics. Family members of enrolled participants may be invited to participate in the study, if the condition appears to be inherited. Participants from minority groups are encouraged to apply for the study, as different forms of atypical diabetes are present in minority populations. 

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IRB: H-46235




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