"Breathe Easy" Healthy Homes-Based Model for Multifamily Rental Communities (H-46145)



The Environmental Health Service at is conducting a research study called the Houston “Breathe Easy” Healthy Homes-Based Model for Multifamily Rental Communities Study. The purpose of this study is to improve the health of individuals who have poorly controlled asthma and who live in public housing. Participants must be 18 years or older, have poorly controlled asthma, and live in a selected Houston Housing Authority apartment community.

The study includes up to eight phone calls over six months. The Baylor team will assess the participants’ asthma and things that may be making it worse. They will also help participants put “healthy homes” principles into place in their own homes. All required study activities will be done by phone or computer. Participants will be paid for completing study activities and they will receive supplies for making their homes healthier. 

Specific study activities include:

  • Questionnaires. After providing consent to participate, all participants will fill out questionnaires about environmental exposures, asthma control, quality of life, general health, and use of healthcare services (such as visits to the hospital or urgent care due to asthma). Participants will also answer questions about their home, including things like whether they see or smell mold or strong fragrances. The questionnaires may be completed electronically (by phone or computer), by phone, or on paper. Participants will be randomized (using a process like flipping a coin) into either the control group or intervention group.
  • Allergy Testing and Personal Exposure Monitoring. Participants will be asked to visit a Harris Health laboratory to provide a blood sample for allergy testing (this is optional). Participants will also receive a silicone wristband along with instructions on wearing it and then returning it after one week. This wristband will help provide a better understanding of each individual’s environmental exposures. 
  • Intervention Group
    - Telemedicine Visit. A nurse practitioner will call the participant to review their medical history and medications, do a phone-based clinical exam, discuss goals and barriers, and provide education about asthma self-management and controlling environmental triggers.  
    - Phone-based Support, Education, and Supplies. The study team will use findings from the questionnaires and telemedicine visit to create a personalized plan to improve asthma control and quality of life. This will include education and supplies for making the home healthier and improving asthma self-management. Participants will receive phone calls every six weeks to provide education and support on putting into place their individualized plan for improving asthma control. 
  • Control Group. Participants in the control group will receive brief phone calls every six weeks. At the end of the study period, these participants will also receive a personalized plan for improving asthma control and supplies for making the home healthier.
  • Follow-Up Questionnaire. Six months after enrolling in the study, all participants will be called to complete the same set of questionnaires they did at the beginning of the study, plus some additional follow-up questions.
  • Financial Compensation. Enrollees will be paid for their participation.

IRB: H-46145




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