

Study to evaluate the safety of Filgotinib in subjects with Crohn's disease (Gilead 96) (H-41813)



What is the purpose of this study?

This is the long term extension of Gilead 95. The goals of The Gilead 96 study are in line with that of Gilead 95, only over a longer period of time. 

Who is eligible to participate?

Must have been in Gilead 95 in order to participate in this study. 

What is involved?

Subjects participating in the control project will be asked to make annual clinic visits at Baylor College of Medicine, located on the 8th floor of the McNair Building, 7200 Cambridge St, Houston, TX 77030. At the initial visit, a consent form explaining the study will be presented. Eligible subjects will be asked questions about their medical history and current medications. Subjects will also be given a brief physical exam (including vital signs) and routine blood work. The clinic visits will take about three and half hours. Once enrolled in the study, each subject will be asked to return monthly. Visits could include, vital signs, exams, brief questionnaires, blood work, stool samples, ECG, Colonoscopy (Three times throughout the study), infusion and subcutaneous injections. 

How much will this cost? 

All research related procedures are FREE to you. Stipend for travel and time will also be included.

Who can I contact? 

Alexys Nunn, Research Coordinator (713) 798-3099

Joanna Cyrus David, Research Coordinator (713) 798-1468

IRB: H-41813




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