Peppermint Oil Study in Children (H-40351)
Peppermint Oil Pharmacokinetics/Dynamics and Novel Biological Signatures in Children with Functional Abdominal Pain
Children 7-12 years old with frequent abdominal pain are needed for a research study. We wish to find out how much peppermint oil we should give to treat children who have frequent belly pain and to learn how peppermint oil works to relieve pain.
The study involves three visits to the Children’s Nutrition Research Center with free parking provided. Financial compensation is provided at the end of each study visit.
If you are interested in participating in the study, please complete the .
For any additional questions about the study, please contact us at
See a listing of all Children's Nutrition Research Center related clinical trials.
Phone 1: 713–798–7005
IRB: H-40351