

TBCRC 042: A Window-of-Opportunity Trial of Ruxolitinib versus Placebo in Patients with High Risk and Premalignant Breast Conditions (H-38855)



Currently, tamoxifen and raloxifene are the only medications approved for breast cancer prevention. Both of these must be taken for many years in order to be effective at preventing breast cancer, and they can have unpleasant side effects (e.g. menopausal symptoms). Therefore, researchers are currently investigating new ways to help prevent breast cancer.

This study is being done to see how ruxolitinib (an oral medication FDA-approved to treat certain types of bone marrow cancer) changes the breast cells when given to patients with premalignant breast conditions (DCIS, LCIS, ADH, ALH) in order to know if it might be useful in preventing breast cancer.

Patients are randomized to take ruxolitinib or a placebo for 10-20 days leading up to surgical excision. 

IRB: H-38855




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