

Youths with Bipolar Spectrum Disorders and Bipolar Offspring (H-37450)



Neuroanatomical, Neuropsychological, Neurocognitive and Genetic Biomarkers in Youths with Bipolar Spectrum Disorders and Bipolar Offspring

This clinical research study investigates behavior, neurocognitive function, brain structure and function, blood biomarkers, and genetics of pediatric bipolar disorder. We aim to build on promising leads to identify biological markers and targets for definitive treatment. To be considered for this study, participants must be between 7-17 years of age and fit in one of the following categories:

  • Bipolar (children diagnosed with a bipolar spectrum disorder)
  • Bipolar Offspring (children whose parents have been diagnosed with a bipolar spectrum disorder)
  • Healthy Controls (children who neither they nor their parents have had a psychiatric diagnosis)

This paid study includes psychiatric interviews and assessments, an EEG scan, an fMRI task, computer tasks, a fasting blood sample, and saliva samples. There is no medication involved and the MRI is without contrast.

Subjects are compensated financially for their participation.

If interested, please complete our .

For more details, please call (832) 824-0927 or email jsaxena@bcm.edu.

IRB: H-37450




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