

Immune Responses in Shrimp Allergy (H-33385)



The purpose of this study is to find out if there is a relationship between blood features of patients with shrimp allergy and how this is related to reactions to other shellfish such as fish, house dust mites and cockroaches. Participants will benefit by knowing if they have a true shrimp allergy or not. Participants will also benefit by knowing if their shrimp allergy will predict allergic reactions to other shellfish, house dust mite and cockroaches. This study is carried through an oral food challenge and blood draw.

Participants must be between the ages of 3 and 64 years old with a clinical or documented history of adverse reactions to shrimp. Patients without clinical or documented history of adverse reactions to shrimp to differentiate IgE sensitization from patients with clinical or documented history of adverse reactions to shrimp.

IRB: H-33385




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