TrialNet Affiliate Site: Pathway to Prevention (H-27050)
Study Goal(s): To identify individuals at risk for type 1 diabetes to better understand how type 1 diabetes develops and also offer prevention studies to eligible individuals
Eligibility Criteria:
- First-degree relatives (parents, children, siblings) between the ages of 2 - 45 .
- Second-degree relatives (cousins, aunts/uncles, grandchildren) between the ages of 2 - 20.
How to get screened? 
Watch a short video explaining TrialNet's online screening
- Please visit , and answer a few questions to sign up. 
- You can request a blood collection kit to send your home, or you can get blood collection done in a local laboratory (for example, Quest Diagnostics Laboratory).  
- Get your results in 4-6 weeks.
Investigators: Mustafa Tosur, M.D. (site principal investigator), Maria J Redondo, M.D., Ph.D. (co-investigator), Rebecca Aguirre, M.D., Ph.D. (co-investigator), Serife Uysal, M.D. (co-investigator), Tracy Patel, M.D. (co-investigator), Alex Siller, M.D. (co-investigator),
Supported by: National Institutes of Health
IRB: H-27050