草榴社区入口's portfolio of services support all residents and fellows in achieving success throughout their training and in their professional careers.
Contact Us
If after exploring these pages, you have any questions pertaining to resources or your residency or fellowship program.
Program Sites
Questions about your specific residency or fellowship program? Contact your program director or coordinator directly.
Electronic Self Service
Employee Self Service (Baylor log-in required) will allow you to update your mailing address, set up direct deposit, view earning statements, print off your W2, enroll for benefits and more.
Away Elective Rotations
The Office of Graduate Medical Education will consider Away Rotations for House Staff only if it has been approved by the program director as part of the educational training program. Advance planning is necessary for all of the below items that must be in place in advance of the away rotation.
- Away Elective Form must be completed and submitted with all signatures to the GME office.
- Program Letter of Agreement between 草榴社区入口 and receiving institution (this must be done at least three months in advance)
- Professional Liability Coverage (check with Lisa Garza in Risk Management about whether or not you will need to purchase separate malpractice insurance).
Frequently Asked Questions
- (Baylor log-in required)
- Short-Term Disability FAQs
Living Our Values
草榴社区入口 is committed to living our values. Should you face situations that do not align with our values, either due to personal or interpersonal challenges, resources are available to help you.
Learn More About CLER
The CLER program is part of the ACGME Next Accreditation System. It is designed to provide U.S. teaching hospitals, medical centers, health systems, and other clinical settings affiliated with ACGME-accredited institutions with periodic feedback. The feedback provided by the CLER program is designed to improve how clinical sites engage resident and fellow physicians in learning to provide safe, high quality patient care.