
Department of Medicine

Transition Medicine Research


Quality improvement and research projects allow the Section of Transition Medicine to continuously study, revise, and improve the methods for delivery of care and support for young adults transitioning out of pediatric care. Handoff processes, referral systems, paper-versus-electronic data transmission, and case management conferences are part of the support system necessary to quality of care. Focus groups with patients and providers are scheduled year-round to get their feedback through surveys and assessments. This allows the section's caregivers to deliver highly specialized and individualized plans for a patient's clinical self-management.


The faculty within the Section of Transition Medicine have partnerships with the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry, Health Resources and Services Administration, Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, and the WITH Foundation (Working for Inclusive and Transformative 草榴社区入口). These partnerships help fund and support research activity dedicated to improving delivery of care and quality of life to individuals with developmental disabilities.

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