

Fluorescent and Confocal Microscopy


The Pathology Core laboratory is equipped with a Nikon E-1000 upright fluorescent microscope equipped with 4x, 10x, 20x and 40x dry objectives and 40x and 60x oil immersion objectives.

The microscope can do epifluorescence and 3-color laser confocal microscopy.

The PCM-2000 confocal system is configured with an Argon laser (emits at wavelength of 488nm), a Green HeNe laser (emits at 543nm), and a Red HeNe (emits at 633nm).

Several narrow-band filters are available for epifluorescence and allow detection of standard fluorochromes such as FITC, Texas red, Cy3, Cy5 and DAPI, as well as some Alexa fluorochromes. The system is also capable of bright field microscopy, and has a photosnap CCD digital camera. The imaging system includes a workstation with software to control the microscope, confocal system, and the digital camera, as well as image processing using MetaMorph Software.

This system is available to the faculty and their staff at the Breast Center only. The use is further limited to personnel who have received formal training to use the system either by the manufacturer or Dr. Michael Lewis, who is also the in charge of the imaging core of the Breast Center. All personnel who are authorized to use the system and wish to do so must sign up before using the system.