Below are the documents and links with information relevant to grants, contracts and funding opportunities:
Department of Pediatrics Submission Policy: All funding proposals must be complete, reviewed, and approved by the appropriate pediatric sections ten full business days prior to the sponsor's deadline (five full business days prior to the SPO deadline). Proposals submitted that do not contain all the required components are considered incomplete and may be returned to the PI or section for corrections.
Proposal Requirements:
BRAIN ESP2 proposals at a minimum should have the following attached to the proposal:
Department of Pediatrics' Cost-Sharing Worksheet (See Cost Sharing section below for applicability)
Applicable FCOI-R assurances completed and submitted in the corresponding BRAIN ERCOI module
Completed Application - all the components of the application that will get submitted to the funding agency
Proposal Due Dates:
Sample SF 424 R01 Application with Pediatric Specific Information: The attached SF 424sample application is for instructional purposes only. This provides:
Basic institutional and departmental information that should be included on all SF 424 applications submitted by investigators in the Department of Pediatrics
Sample Research & Related Budget Component and Modular Budget Component: Please note that only one budget component type should be used per application. Please refer to the RFA or PA for information regarding the specific budget component to be used.
External Sample Applications
Local Demographics (pediatrics, adult) - under development