

CIBR Center Collaborative Initiatives


New collaborations are cultivated when scientists have the opportunity to interact outside of their specializations. However, most investigators have stringent demands on their time; we have created a format that encourages interaction with a minimal time commitment. From time to time the CIBR Center will hold small informal gatherings allowing colleagues the opportunity to share interests.

Format: The location will be a room outfitted with tables, where pairs of investigators can sit and discuss their scientific problems and interests to determine the potential for a collaboration. At the end of five minutes, one of the pair moves on to the next table, and so on around the room, creating new pairs that have five minutes to discuss potential collaborations. At the end of an hour, each person would have interacted with at least ten colleagues, learning in quick summary what others are working on, and planting the seeds for collaborative projects eligible for grant proposals.

The set up is informal, with refreshments provided to break the ice of meeting colleagues. We hope you will participate in trying our next cooperative project. If you would like to be sure you are included in the next collaborative initiative contact us.