Interested Study Participant Volunteers
The TECH Study: Does screen time influence your child’s sleep and health? The TECH Study is inviting parents with a 3–4-year-old child in the Greater Houston area to participate in a study using new technology to measure screen time effects on children’s sleep, growth, problem solving, learning, and memory over a 12-month period. Our study involves assessments in your home and at the Children’s Nutrition Research Center located in the medical center. Up to $410 in compensation. If interested, go to , call 713-798-0388 or email
Papas Saludables Niños Saludables: Papás hispanos con niños de 5-11 años están invitados a participar en una prueba del programa Papas Saludables, Niños Saludables que promueve la alimentación saludable y estilos de vida activos. El programa será dirigido por el Colegio de Medicina de Baylor en un YMCA local. Hasta $180 en compensación. Si está interesado, llame al 713-798-0503 o escriba a
Healthy Dads Healthy Kids: Hispanic dads with children aged 5-11 are invited to participate in a test of the Papás Saludables, Niños Saludables program to promote healthy eating and active lifestyles. The program is run by ²ÝÁñÉçÇøÈë¿Ú at a local YMCA. Up to $180 in compensation. If interested, call 713-798-0503 or email
Lab Training Opportunities
Postdoctoral Research: Visit the Postdoctoral Fellowship in Children's Nutrition webpage to learn about upcoming center-supported postdoctoral training opportunities. There are rolling deadlines for application, based on funding availability.
Medical Trainees: Contact Dr. O‘Connor if you are a current medical trainee (medical student, resident, or fellow) at the Texas Medical Center and are interested in gaining research experience focusing on the role of fathers or screen media in the development of childhood obesity.
Graduate Students: Dr. O‘Connor offers training opportunities to Masters of Public Health students who are seeking research experience as partial completion of the requirements of their degree. She is also open to serving as a member of thesis and doctoral committees or working with graduate students who are interested in completing a thesis or dissertation in a topic related to her research interests. With graduate students, she takes special interest in talking with you about your career interests and options and helping you to make the next big step. Contact Dr. O‘Connor.
Undergraduate Research: The O’Connor Lab offers training opportunities to undergraduates for course credit through their home institution within Houston. Dr. O‘Connor has mentored numerous students from the University of Houston and Rice University and several have gone on to medical school, graduate school, or have become paid members of my staff. Contact Dr. O‘Connor.