

Lupo Lab Projects


Reducing Ethnic Disparities in Acute Leukemia (REDIAL) Consortium

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Reducing Ethnic Disparities in Acute Leukemia

Despite improved outcomes for pediatric leukemia, ethnic disparities persist. Notably, Hispanics suffer both worse survival and increased treatment-related toxicities. There is a critical need to discover biomarkers for adverse outcomes in at-risk populations. The REDIAL Consortium will expand and enhance our recently created population-based research network in an area characterized by a large and growing Hispanic population to generate prospective data and samples on  about 1,000 children. We hypothesize that clinical, genomic, and biological information will enable the identification of leukemia patients at increased risk for chemoresistance, relapse, and toxicity, thereby guiding treatment decision-making and improving prognosis in at-risk populations. Our ultimate goal is to identify children at the greatest risk of toxicities and relapse.