
Lisa Bouchier-Hayes Lab

Bouchier-Hayes Lab Publications


Primary Research Papers


Bolívar BE, Brown-Suedel AN, Rohrman BA, Charendoff CI, Yazdani V, Belcher JD, Vercellotti GM, Flanagan JM, Bouchier-Hayes L. . J Immunol. 2021 Apr 15;206(8):1878-1889. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.2000226. Epub 2021 Mar 19. PMID: 33741688; PMCID: PMC8026643.

Ando, K., Parsons, M.J., Shah, R.B., Charendoff, C.I., Paris, S.L., Liu, P.H., Fassio, S.R., Rohrman, B.A., Thompson, R., Oberst, A., Sidi, S. and Bouchier-Hayes, L. . Journal of Cell Biology (2017) 216:1795-1810.

Dawar, S., Lim, Y., Puccini, J., White, M., Thomas, P., Bouchier-Hayes, L., Green, D.R., Dorstyn, L. and Kumar, S.. Oncogene (2017) 36:2704-2714.

Manton, C.A., Johnson, B. Singh, M., Bailey, C.P., Bouchier-Hayes, L. and Chandra, J. . Scientific Reports (2016) 6:18953.

Sanders, M.G., Parsons, M.J.,Howard, A.G.A., Liu, J., Fassio, S.R., Martinez, J.A. and Bouchier-Hayes, L. . Cell Death and Disease (2015) 6:e1813.

Hoyos, V., Del Bufalo, F., Yagyu, S., Ando , M., Dotti, G. Suzuki, M., Bouchier-Hayes, L, Alemany, R. and Brenner, M.K. . Molecular Therapy (2015) 23:1497-506.

Ichim, G., Lopez, J., Ahmed, S.U., Muthalagu, N., Giampazolias, E., Delgado, M.E., Haller, M., Riley, J.S., Mason, S.M., Athineos, D., Parsons, M.J., van de Kooij, B., Bouchier-Hayes, L., Chalmers, A.J., Rooswinkel, R.W., Oberst, A., Blyth, K., Rehm, M., Murphy, D.J. and Tait, S.W. . Molecular Cell (2015) 57:860-72.

Ando, M., Hoyos, V., Yagyu, S., Tao, W., Ramos, C., Dotti, G. Brenner, M.K., and Bouchier-Hayes, L. . Cancer Gene Therapy (2014) 21:472-482.

Nishio, N., Diaconu, J., Liu, H., Cerullo, V., Caruana, I., Hoyos, V., Bouchier-Hayes, L., Savoldo, B. and Dotti, G. . Cancer Research (2014) 74:5195-5205.

Parsons, M.J., McCormick, L., Janke, L. Howard, A., Bouchier-Hayes, L.* and Green, D.R.* . Cell Death and Differentiation (2013) 20:1174-1182. *equal contribution as senior author.

Ando, K., Kernan, J.L., Liu,P.H., Sanda, T., Logette, E., Tschopp, J., Look, A.T., Wang, J., Bouchier-Hayes, L. and Sidi, S. . Molecular Cell (2012) 47:681-693.

Llambi, F., Moldoveanu, T., Tait, S.W., Bouchier-Hayes, L., Temirov, J., McCormick, L.L., Dillon, C.P. and Green, D.R. . Molecular Cell (2011) 44:517-531.


Reviews and Book Chapters


Brown-Suedel AN, Bouchier-Hayes L. Caspase-2 Substrates: To Apoptosis, Cell Cycle Control, and Beyond. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020 Dec 23;8:610022. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.610022. PMID: 33425918; PMCID: PMC778587

Boice A, Bouchier-Hayes L. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 2020 Jun;1867(6):118688. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2020.118688. Epub 2020 Feb 19. PMID: 32087180; PMCID: PMC7155770.

Bolívar BE, Vogel TP, Bouchier-Hayes L. FEBS J. 2019 Jul;286(14):2628-2644. doi: 10.1111/febs.14926. Epub 2019 May 27. PMID: 31090171; PMCID: PMC7065599.

Charendoff, C.I. and Bouchier-Hayes, L. . Journal of Visual Experimentation, (2018) 133:e57316

Sidi, S. and Bouchier-Hayes, L. . Molecular & Cellular Oncology, (2017) (2017) 4:e1348325.

Bouchier-Hayes, L. and Sidi, S. . Cell Cycle. (2017) 16:1562-1563.

Parsons, M.J., Fassio, S.R. and Bouchier-Hayes, L. . Methods Molecular Biology (2016) 1419: Programmed Cell Death.

Parsons, M.J., Rehm, M. and Bouchier-Hayes, L.. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols (2015) doi: 10.1101/pdb.top070342.

Rehm, M.,Parsons, M.J. and Bouchier-Hayes, L. . Cold Spring Harbor Protocols (2015) doi: 10.1101/pdb.prot082560.

Parsons, M.J. and Bouchier-Hayes, L. . Cold Spring Harbor Protocols (2015) doi: 10.1101/pdb. prot082552.

Bouchier-Hayes, L. and Green, D.R. Casapase-2: . Cell Death and Differentiation (2012) 19:51-57.