Our lab periodically hosts webinars on a wide variety of topics related to autism, bringing current and relevant information to families from our local community of experts. When possible, we record these webinars and make them freely available here.
If you are looking for information on a particular topic that we have not covered, visit the more hosted by SPARK. SPARK has hosted free monthly webinars since 2016, drawing on the expertise of autism clinicians and researchers across the United States. They will continue to host these webinars for the duration of the SPARK study, and families are not required to enroll to view the webinars.
Video Library
Tips on Toilet Training: March 5, 2021: Presented by Dr. Rachel Fein, Katherine Bergez Cohn, and Morgan McNeel
Should My Child See a Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician: April 16, 2021 Presented by Renee Rodrigues-D'Souza, M.D., FAAP,
Navigating the Challenges of Puberty and Adolescence for Youth with Autism: May 18, 2021, Presented by Holly Harris, M.D.
Independence is a Process: June 14, 2021, Presented by Brandi Timmons, MEd, BCBA, LBA
The Importance of Early Intervention and Research: Aug. 3, 2021, Presented by Jennifer Chang-Tran, Ph.D.
SPARK + Genetics 101 Webinar: Aug. 25, 2021, Presented by Robin Kochel, Ph.D. and Chaya Murali, M.D., FACM
Understanding Your Family's Role in ABA Therapy and Educational Services: Sept. 13, 2021, Presented by Elizabeth Klinepeter, Ph.D., BCBA
Collaborating with Your Child’s School: What Parents Need to Know: Oct 25, 2021, Presented by Sarah Mire, LP, LSSP, NCSP and Milena Keller-Margulis, LP, LSSP, NCSP.
Growing Pains: Transition Planning for Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disability: Nov 29, 2021, Presented by Dinah Godwin, MSW, LMSW, and Jennifer Cervantes, MSW, LMSW.
Sleepy Kids and Parents: Behavioral strategies to help everyone catch more ZZZs!: Dec. 16, 2021, Presented by: Jennifer Kazmerski, Ph.D., BCBA-D, DBSM
Navigating a crisis with individuals who have autism and co-occurring diagnosis: March 9, 2022, Presented by: Amanda Willis, LCSW-S
Precision Genome Editing without Double-Strand Breaks: April 30, 2022, Presented by: Dr. David Liu
Pediatric COVID-19: Disease and Vaccine Updates: March 25, 2022, Presenter: Julie Boom, M.D.
The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD Feeding Disorders Program: May 11, 2022, Presenter: Rinita Roberts, Ph.D.
Special Programs for Special Needs – Harris County Sheriff’s Office Mental Health Initiatives: May 16, 2022, Presenter: Sgt. José Gómez
Programas Especiales para Necesidades Especiales – Iniciativas de Salud Mental de la Oficina del She: May 27, 2022, Presenter: Sgt. José Gómez
No Gimmicks, Just Facts - Encouraging Community Participation in Research: June 28, 2022. Presenter: Debra D. Murray, Ph.D.,