
Hamed Jafar-Nejad Lab

Jafar-Nejad Lab News



August 2023: Ashutosh Pandey鈥檚 manuscript on the role of fly NGLY1 (Pngl) at the interface of intestinal innate immune response and metabolism was accepted by Nature Communications.

July 2023: Nima Niknejad and Hamed were co-authors on a manuscript from the Darabi lab in Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids on modeling 鈥渓imb-girdle muscular dystrophy R21鈥 by using iPSCs.

June 2023: Marzieh Keivandarian, B.Sc. (Rice U, 2023) joined the lab as a Research Technician to continue her undergraduate research work!

March 2023: Nima Niknejad鈥檚 manuscript on establishing POGLUT1 as a potential therapeutic target in preclinical models of Alagille syndrome was accepted by Hepatology.

February 2023: Dr. Yusuke Urata from Professor Hideyuki Takeuchi's group in Japan will be a visiting postdoctoral associate in our group.

February 2023: Congratulations to Dr. Ashutosh Pandey for his promotion to a research assistant professor!

January 2023: Congratulations to Dr. Nima Niknejad for his new position as a senior scientist at Nitto BioPharma!


November 2022: Hamed presented our work at Grace Science Foundation Symposium in Palo Alto.

October 2022: Hamed served on the Program Committee of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Glycobiology and presented a talk (virtual).

September 2022: Duncan gave a talk to CCHMC Liver Group (virtual)

September 2022: We received a new Special Emphasis R01 from NIDDK for preclinical studies on ALGS mouse models in collaboration with Dr. Stacey Huppert.

July 2022: Nima and Hamed presented our work at the Notch Gordon Conference in Lewiston.

July 2022: Hamed became the Chair of a new NIH Study Section called MRAD.

June 2022: Hamed presented our work at International Symposium and Scientific Meeting on Alagille Syndrome in Cincinnati (two talks, one to scientists, and one to patients and families).

May 2022: Hamed co-authored a chapter titled  in the 4th Edition of Essentials for Glycobiology.

May 2022: Hamed presented a seminar at the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville, Spain (virtual).

April 2022: We received a new grant from the Mizutani Foundation on the role of deglycosylation in innate immunity and metabolism.

March 2022: Ashutosh, Josh and Seung Yeop published  in Cells.

February 2022: Hamed presented our work at Sanford-Burnham Rare Disease Day Symposium on NGLY1 Deficiency in San Diego.


November 2021: Hamed presented our work at Grace Science Foundation Symposium in Palo Alto.

August 2021: Ashutosh published a review article in Journal of Biochemistry on .

May 2021: We received an Administrative Supplement to our R35 grant to study NOTCH3 glycosylation in CADASIL in collaboration with Dr. Josh Wythe.

March 2021: Hamed gave a talk to the Department of Molecular Biology, University of Wyoming (virtual).

March 2021: Soomin Cho, a graduate student form the Development, Disease Models & Therapeutics Program, has decided to join our lab!

February 2021: Hamed gave a seminar at The GI Research Forum, Texas Medical Center Digestive Diseases Center, Houston.

January 2021: Hamed joined the Editorial Board of GENETICS.

January 2021: We received a new grant from the Grace Science Foundation to study NGLY1 deficiency.


November 2020: Ashutosh Pandey was an invited speaker at the 2020 Virtual Society for Glycobiology Annual Meeting.

November 2020: Seung Yeop's manuscript on the role of NGLY1 in the regulation of AMPK signaling was accepted by PLOS Genetics.

October 2020: Hamed presented our work at Grace Science Foundation Symposium (virtual).

July 2020: Our manuscript on the identification of BMP4 and its fly homolog Dpp as direct targets of NGLY1 was accepted by eLife.

July 2020: Our new R01 grant on the role of POGLUT1 in muscle development and disease was funded (collaboration with Darabi, Haltiwanger and Paradas groups)

May 2020: A review article by Ashutosh and Nima  was accepted by Glycobiology.

March 2020: Duncan Fox, a graduate student form the Genetics & Genomic Graduate Program, has decided to join our lab!


December 2019: In collaboration with Paradas and Haltiwanger groups, we reported  in Acta Neuropathologica.

October 2019: Ashutosh published a paper in Cell Reports in collaboration with the Haltiwanger lab entitled .

October 2019: Josh published a review article in Biomolecules on .

September 2019: Hamed received an Alagille Syndrome Accelerator Award from the Medical Foundation. The funds were generously provided by an anonymous donor to support our preclinical studies on this disease.

August 2019: Josh Adams' manuscript on the  was accepted by Hepatology.

July 2019: Congratulations to Dr. Josh Adams for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation!

July 2019: Hamed presented our work at Grace Science Foundation Symposium and at FASEB TGF尾 meeting.

May 2019: Josh published an article in JoVE to describe .

April 2019: Maria Gonzalez joined our lab to help maintain our Drosophila stocks. Welcome Maria!

March 2019: Hamed presented a seminar at the Department of Biology and Biochemistry at University of Houston.

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