

Leica SP8 Confocal/Multi-Photon Microscope

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Leica SP8

The Leica SP8 is a dual purpose visible confocal microscope and multi-photon on a single platform. The confocal microscope is equipped with 4 detectors, one of which is a highly sensitive hybrid GAsP/APD (HyD) for low light imaging. It has visible laser lines at 458nm, 488nm, 514nm, 561nm and 633nm.

The Leica SP8 is also a multi-photon microscope that can utilize the internal detectors from the visible confocal as well as two external NDD detectors for direct detection. The microscope is an upright, fixed stage system that is ideal for whole animal imaging as well as traditional slide mounts. It shares the Coherent Chameleon TiS NIR laser with the Zeiss LSM 7 MP microscope.

Learn more about confocal technology and multi-photon technology.

Service LevelBaylorAcademic (Non-Baylor)Industry
Unassisted Use (Peak)$35/hr$100/hrPer Quote Basis
Unassisted Use (Off-Peak)$20/hrN/AN/A
Assisted Use$60/hr$120/hrPer Quote Basis

Peak Hours: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday through Friday
Off-Peak Hours: 6 p.m. - 8 a.m., Monday through Friday, Weekends