

NGS Platforms


Illumina’s iSeq, NextSeq and NovaSeq systems' powerful combination of read-length and paired-end flexibility enables the broadest range of genomic sequencing applications. Illumina's robust sequencing chemistry supports a wide range of read lengths, allowing researchers to tailor each run to meet their needs with shorter turnover times.

Illumina Sequencing Instrument Specifications
InstrumentiSeq 100 SequencerNextSeq 500 SequencerNextSeq 500 SequencerNovaSeq 6000 SequencerNovaSeq 6000 SequencerNovaSeq 6000 SequencerNovaSeq 6000 Sequencer
ModeRegularMid OutputHigh OutputSP FCS1 FCS2 FCS4 FC
Output (Max.)1.2 Gb - 2x150bp

32.5-39 Gb - 2x150bp

16.25-19.5 Gb - 2x75bp

100-120 Gb - 2x150bp

50-60 Gb - 2x75bp

25-30 Gb - 1x75bp

400 Gb - single FC500 Gb - single FC


1250 Gb - single FC


3000 Gb - single FC
Run Time17.5 hours15 - 26 hours11 - 29 hours13 - 38 hours13 - 25 hours16 - 36 hours45 hours
Single End Reads (Max.)Up to 4 Million

Up to 130 Million


Up to 400 Million


800 Million1.6 Billion4.1 Billion10 Billion
Paired End Reads (Max.)Up to 8 MillionUp to 260 MillionUp to 800 Million1.6 Billion3.2 Billion8.2 Billion20 Billion
Read Length (Max.)2 x 150 bp2 x 150 bp2 x 150 bp2 x 250 bp2 x 150 bp2 x 150 bp2 x 150 bp
Bases above Q30> 80%

>75% (2 x 150 bp)

>80% (2 x 75 bp)


>75% (2 x 150 bp)

>80% (2 x 75 bp)

>80% (1 x 75 bp)

≥85% (2 x 50 bp)

≥75% (2 x 150 bp)

≥75% (2 x 250 bp)

≥85% (2 x 50 bp)

≥80% (2 x 100 bp)

≥75% (2 x 150 bp)

≥85% (2 x 50 bp)

≥80% (2 x 100 bp)

≥75% (2 x 150 bp)

≥85% (2 x 50 bp)

≥80% (2 x 100 bp)

≥75% (2 x 150 bp)


Gb = gigabases, bp = base pair

1 Flow Cell (FC) = 8 Lanes


For more information about these instruments see:

  • iSeq 100 Sequencer