About the Core
The Antibody-based Proteomics Core provides cutting edge antibody-based proteomic platforms for both validation and protein biomarker discovery, particularly for low abundance regulatory proteins and activation states of proteins with phosphorylated antibodies.
We currently have an inventory of over 290 validated antibodies that cover multiple total proteins and phosphoproteins in the following protein pathways or functional protein groups: epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), stem cells, apoptosis, DNA damage, autophagy, proliferation and cell cycle, growth factor receptors, cytokines/STATs, nuclear receptors/transcriptional, chromatin regulatory, and metabolism proteins. We continuously work together with BCM investigators to build RPPA assays for new protein pathways of interest and to validate the required antibodies. We are also working to be able to do analysis with various types of samples including cell/tissue lysates, macro-dissected tumor samples, laser capture micro-dissected (LCM) samples, small numbers of isolated stem cells or other rare cell types, and body fluids such as serum and urine. A novel application we have developed is to analyze isolated protein complexes. We have developed an epigenetic RPPA platform to measure histone modifications. We have developed in-house normalization and statistical analyses algorithms.
Epigenetic RPPA for Histone marks require purified histone and is assayed separated.
Learn more about Reverse Phase Protein Array services.
Getting Started
If you plan to make use of the Antibody-based Proteomics Core, we require a brief (no cost) consultation with Dr. Huang for new projects. Download and fill the and email it to Dr. Shixia Huang first. Once the PI and Dr. Huang discuss the project design and the timeline, an is required.
If you are an experienced Antibody-based Proteomics Core user, and already know precisely what you need for Luminex projects, you will still need to fill out the project information form, but we will waive the meeting requirement. CPRIT-subsidized RPPA projects require a meeting and additional information. Contact Dr. Shixia Huang for details.