- Professor
Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Houston, TX US
Primary Appointment
- Charles C. Bell Jr. Professor of Structural Biology
Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
- Director
CryoEM/ET Core
- Co-Director
Center for Computational and Integrative Biomedical Research (CIBR)
Houston, Texas United States
- Member
Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Deputy Director
Advanced Technical Cores
- Office (Office)
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (713) 798-9020
- PhD from Rice University
- 06/1996 - Houston, Texas United States
- Physics
- MA from Rice University
- 06/1993 - Houston, Texas United States
- Physics
- BS from Caltech
- 06/1990 - Pasadena, California United States
- Physics
Honors & Awards
- Burton Medal
- Microscopy Society of America (01/2008)
- HAMBP (Houston Area Molecular Biophysics Program) Fellow
- Houston Area Molecular Biophysics Program (01/1992 - 01/1996)
- NRSA (Institutional) Fellow
- NRSA (01/1996 - 01/1997)
- NRSA (Individual) Fellow
- NRSA (01/1998 - 01/1999)
- Outstanding Lecturer in Quantitative and Computational Biosciences
- Outstanding graduate program lecturer in 2020 and 2023
Professional Interests
- Cryo-electron Microscopy and Tomography
- Quantitative Image Processing Algorithm Development
- Structural Biology and Macromolecular Assemblies
- Membranes and Membrane Proteins
- Protein Structure-Function and Protein Folding
- Antibiotic Resistance
- Fatty Acids and Lipid Metabolism
Professional Statement
My group focuses on CryoEM/CryoET and quantitative image processing, applying these techniques to a wide range of biological systems ranging from individual macromolecules to whole cells. For the last 25 years my group has been developing the EMAN software suite for both high resolution single particle analysis as well as in-situ and in-vitro tomography. This software has been used on a large fraction of the structures in the EMDatabank, and with over 30,000 downloads is one of the most widely used in the field. In addition to developing new image processing methods such as deep learning applications and bispectral analysis, my group engages in a wide range of biological projects, from the high resolution structure and dynamics of individual molecules to the study of functioning macromolecular assemblies within the cell. Over the last decade, cryoEM has experienced a renaissance, largely due to the development of revolutionary direct detector technology, making this field directly competitive with X-ray crystallography for high resolution structural analysis, and providing many unique capabilities, such as in-situ structural biology. Now, we are seeing a similar growth pattern in CryoET which permits visualization of macromolecules within cells without chemical fixation, opening the door for a new era of in-situ structural biology.Websites
Selected Publications
- Chen M, Dai W, Sun SY, Jonasch D, He CY, Schmid MF, Chiu W, Ludtke SJ "." Nature Meth.. 2017;14(10):983-985. Pubmed PMID:
- Yi P, Wang Z, Feng Q, Chou CK, Pintilie GD, Shen H, Foulds CE, Fan G, Serysheva I, Ludtke SJ, Schmid MF, Hung MC, Chiu W, O'Malley BW "." Mol. Cell. 2017;67(5):733-743. Pubmed PMID:
- J.M. Bell, M. Chen, P.R. Baldwin & S.J. Ludtke "." Methods. 2016;100:25-34. Pubmed PMID:
- R.N. Irobalieva, J.M. Fogg, D.J. Catanese, T. Sutthibutpong, M. Chen, A.K. Barker, S.J. Ludtke, S.A. Harris, M.F. Schmid, W. Chiu & L. Zechiedrich "." Nat. Commun.. 2015;6:8440. Pubmed PMID:
- G. Fan, M.L. Baker, Z. Wang, M.R. Baker, P.A. Sinyagovskiy, W. Chiu, S.J. Ludtke & I.I. Serysheva "." Nature. 2015;527:336-341. Pubmed PMID:
- Fluty AC, Ludtke SJ "." J Struct Biol. 2022 Sep;214:107875. Pubmed PMID:
- Fan G, Baker MR, Terry LE, Arige V, Chen M, Serysheva AB, Baker ML, Ludtke SJ, Yule DI, Serysheva II "." Nat Commun. 2022 Nov 14;13:6942. Pubmed PMID:
- Chen M, Ludtke SJ "." Nat Methods. 2021 Aug;18:930-936. Pubmed PMID:
- Akey CW, Singh D, Ouch C, Echeverria I, Nudelman I, ..., Chait BT, Sali A, Fernandez-Martinez J, Ludtke SJ, Villa E, Rout MP "." Cell. 2022 Jan 20;185:361-378. Pubmed PMID:
- Biophysical Society
- Member (01/1992)
- Microscopy Society of America
- Member (01/1998)
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