Sebastian Acosta, Ph.D.

Sebastian Acosta, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
Pediatrics - Critical Care
Analytics Laboratory
Houston, TX US
- PhD from Rice University
- 05/2014 - Houston, Texas United States
- Computational and Applied Mathematics, Biomechanics and Inverse Problems
- MS from Brigham Young University
- 05/2011 - Provo, Utah United States
- Mathematics, Partial Differential Equations
- BS from Brigham Young University
- 05/2009 - Provo, Utah United States
- Mechanical Engineering, Fluid Dynamics
Honors & Awards
- AMS-Simons Travel Grant 2015-2017
- BP Scholarship Award in Science 2012
- Selected Participant SIAM Summer School on Waves and Imaging 2011
- Graduate Research Award BYU Math 2011
- Graduate Research Fellowship BYU Math 2010
- Orson Pratt Prize for most outstanding graduating senior, BYU Math 2009
- Brigham Young Bicentennial Scholar
- World Young Researchers for the Environment WYRE 2000
- NSF-DMS Grant
- 07/2017 - 06/2020
- NIH-NIBIB grant
Professional Interests
- Computational Biomechanics
- Inverse Problems and Imaging
- Machine Learning, predictive analytics for critical care
Professional Statement
Advanced computational methods and artificial intelligence are becoming a promising factor to improve the assessment and treatment of pathological conditions. My goal is to further this line of scientific endeavor and reinforce the translation of quantitative methods into clinical practice. I am an interdisciplinary scientist who works at the interface between mathematics, statistics, engineering and medicine. My areas of expertise are biomechanics, computational science, and mathematical and statistical methods of inference. Current applications include predictive analytics for the deterioration of ICU patients, for hemodynamic irregularities, improving quality and automation of ultrasound-based imaging, photoacoustic imaging, decision-making, and planning/scheduling optimization.Websites
Selected Publications
- S. Acosta, D. Penny, C. Rusin "." Microvasc. Res.. 2015;100:40-47.
- S. Acosta and C. Montalto "." Inverse Problems. 2015;31:065009.
- S. Acosta, C. Puelz, B. Riviere, D. Penny, C. Rusin "." J. COmput. Phys.. 2015;294:96-109.
- S. Acosta "." Inverse Prob & Imaging. 2015;9:301-315.
- S. Acosta "." Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg. 2015;283:1296-1309.
- S. Acosta "." Inverse Problems. 2013;29:085014.
- S. Acosta, S. Chow, J. Taylor, V. Villamizar "." Inverse Prob.. 2012;28:075013.
- C. Rusin, S. Acosta, L. Shekerdemian, E. Vu, A. Bavare, R. Myers, L. Patterson, K. Brady, D. Penny "." J. Thoracic Cardiovasc. Surg.. 2016;152:171-177.
- S. Acosta "." Inverse Probl & Imaging. 2015;9:289-300.
- S. Acosta, R. Alonso, L. Borcea "." Inverse Prob.. 2015;31:035013.
- R. Wagner, S. Acosta, S. Glasgow, Q. Su, and R. Grobe "." J. Phys. A. 2012;45:275303.
- S. Acosta, V. Villamizar and B. Malone "." Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg. 2012;217:1-11.
- S. Acosta, D. Penny, K. Brady, C. Rusin "." Microvascular Research. 2018;115:34-43.
- S. Acosta, M. Ahmed, S. Yin, K. Brady, D. Penny, C. Rusin "." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2020;60:101947.
- S. Acosta, C. Puelz, D. Penny, B. Riviere, K. Brady, C. Rusin "." Biomech. Model. Mechanobio.. 2017;
- S. Acosta "." Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Egnrg.. 2017;32:296-310.
- Barbara-Jo Achuff; Brady Moffett; Sebastian Acosta; Javier Lasa; Paul Checchia; Craig Rusin "." Critical Care Medicine. 2018 Jan;46(1):28.
- B. Achuff, J. Achuff, H. Park, B. Moffett, S. Acosta, C. Rusin, P. Checchia "." Cardiology in the Young. 2017 Dec;1-7.
- S. Acosta and V. Villamizar "." J. Comput. Phys.. 2010;229:5498–5517.
- B-J. Achuff, B. Moffett, S. Acosta, J. Lasa, P. Checchia, C. Rusin "." Pediatr. Crit. Care Med.. 2019 Jan; Pubmed PMID:
- S. Acosta, B. Palacios "." J. Diff. Equations. 2018;264:1984-2010.
- C. Puelz, S. Acosta, B. Riviere, D. Penny, K. Brady, C. Rusin "." Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2017;89:405-418.
- V. Villamizar, S. Acosta, B. Dastrup "." J. Comput. Phys.. 2017;333:331-351.
- S. Acosta and V. Villamizar "." Math. Comput. Simul.. 2009;79:2506-2520.
- S. Acosta and V. Villamizar "." J. Comp. Appl. Math.. 2010;234:1970-1979.
- S. Acosta and V. Villamizar "." Elect. Trans. Num. Anal. ETNA.. 2009;34:59-75.
- S. Acosta and P. Acosta "." SIAM J. Undergrad. Research Online.. 2008;1:100-119.
- S. Acosta "." Inverse Problems. 2019;35(11):115013.
- S Acosta "." SIAM J. Imag. Sciences. 2019;12(4):1669-1685.
- D. Rios, C. Rhee, L. Elizondo, K. Brady, C. Rusin, S. Acosta "." Pediatric Research. 2020 May 26;
- M. Ahmed et al. "." EClinicalMedicine. 2020 Sep;26:100527.
- Antonio Mendoza, Sebastian Tume, Kriti Puri, Sebastian Acosta, Joseph R Cavallaro "." IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2024 Dec 2;
- Bryan G McOmber, Alvaro G Moreira, Kelsey Kirkman, Sebastian Acosta, Craig Rusin, Binoy Shivanna "." Front. Pediatr. 2024 Nov 19;12
- Julia Weld, Erin Kim, Priya Chandra, Fabio Savorgnan, Sebastian Acosta, Saul Flores, Rohit S Loomba "." 2023 May 2;45:1440–1447.
- Rohit S Loomba, Fabio Savorgnan, Sebastian Acosta, Justin J Elhoff, Juan S Farias, Enrique G Villarreal, Saul Flores "." American journal of therapeutics. 2024 Oct 1;31(5):e531-e540.
- Sebastian Acosta, Jesse Chan, Raven Johnson, Benjamin Palacios "." SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 2024 Aug 31;84(4):1609-1630.
- Rohit S Loomba, Umesh Dyamenahalli, Fabio Savorgnan, Sebastian Acosta, Enrique Villarreal, Juan S Farias, Joshua Wong, Saul Flores "Association of immediate postoperative hemodynamic and laboratory values in predicting Norwood admission outcomes." Pediatric Cardiology. 2022 Nov 9;45(6):1232-1241.
- Samantha Gilg, Sebastian Acosta, Rohit S Loomba, Claire Rizk, Gary E Stapleton, David Faraoni, Fabio Savorgnan "." Pediatr Investig. 2024 Jul 20;8:135-138.
- Justin J Elhoff, Sebastian Acosta, Saul Flores, Julie LaSalle, Rohit Loomba, Molly McGetrick, Christy McKinney, Megan Ostrom, Chetna K Pande, Robin Schlosser, Sarah Schwab, Fabio Savorgnan "." Cardiology in the Young. 2024 May 1;34(5):1004 - 1009.
- Sebastian Acosta, Tahsin Khajah "." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2024 Feb 1;159:342-351.
- Sebastian Acosta, Adel M Hassan, Zbigniew Gugala, Zena Karagoli, Jessica Hochstetler, Amy L Kiskaddon, Paul Checchia, David Faraoni, Feng Zheng, Fabio Savorgnan "." Pediatric Cardiology. 2023 Oct 25;45:8–13.
- Rohit S Loomba, Umesh Dyamenahalli, Fabio Savorgnan, Sebastian Acosta, Justin J Elhoff, Juan S Farias, Enrique Villarreal, Saul Flores "." Cardiology in the Young. 2023 Oct 1;33(10):2066-2071.
- Craig G Rusin, Sebastian I Acosta, Kennith M Brady, Eric Vu, Carly Scahill, Brian Fonseca, Cindy Barrett, Janet Simsic, Andrew R Yates, Brenna Klepczynski, William J Gaynor, Daniel J Penny "." JTCVS open. 2023 Sep 1;15:406-411.
- Fabio Savorgnan, Daniel I Crouthamel, Andy Heroy, John Santerre, Sebastian Acosta "." Journal of Electrocardiology. 2023 Sep 1;80:106-110.
- Sebastian Acosta, Tahsin Khajah, Benjamin Palacios "." SIAM J Sci Comput. 2025;
- Devika Subramanian, Aadith Vittala, Xinpu Chen, Christopher Julien, Sebastian Acosta, Craig Rusin, Carl Allen, Nicholas Rider, Zbigniew Starosolski, Ananth Annapragada, Sridevi Devaraj "." Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023 Aug 22;12(7):5435.
- Howard Chao, Sebastian Acosta, Craig Rusin, Christopher Rhee "." Children. 2023 Jul 9;10(8):1361.
- Juan S Farias, Enrique G Villarreal, Fabio Savorgnan, Sebastian Acosta, Saul Flores, Rohit S Loomba "." Cardiology in the Young. 2023 Aug 1;33(8):1409-1417.
- Mubbasheer Ahmed, Sebastian I Acosta, George M Hoffman, James S Tweddell, Nancy S Ghanayem "." The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2023 Jul 1;166(1):214-220.
- Sebastian Acosta, Srinivasan Suresh, Anna K Ettinger, Fabio Savorgnan, Ananth Annapragada, Nirupama Kannikeswaran, Usha Sethuraman "." The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2023 Jun 1;42(6):e197-e200.
- Leah I Elizondo, Danielle R Rios, Eric Vu, Kathleen Kibler, R Blaine Easley, Dean B Andropoulos, Sebastian Acosta, Craig G Rusin, Jeffrey R Kaiser, Ken M Brady, Christopher J Rhee "." Pediatric research. 2019 Aug 1;86(2):242-246.
- Sebastián Acosta, Carlos Montalto "." Inverse Problems. 2016 Sep 19;32(11):115001.
- AHA: American Heart Association
- SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- US Association for Computational Mechanics
- Collaborative Research: Improved Algorithms for Multiwave Imaging in Complex Media: Theory and Computation - #1712725 (07/15/2017 - 06/30/2020) Grant funding from NSF-DMS
- Novel pseudo-differential methods to drastically increase computational speed and accuracy for biomedical ultrasound imaging and focusing - #1R15EB035359-01A1 Grant funding from NIH
- The PreVAIL-kIds Common Protocol - #4R33HD105593 Grant funding from NIH
Intellectual Property
- Method Patent #11504015 (Approved)
- A technique for predicting fluid responsiveness in a critically ill patient comprises measuring physiological data of the patient, then generating an estimate of pulse pressure vari ability from a Fourier transform of the physiological wave form. Both invasive and non-invasive physiological data measurements may be used.
- Co Inventors: Sebastian Acosta, Mubbasheer Ahmed, Suellen Yin, Kenneth M Brady, Daniel J Penny, Craig Rusin
- Method Patent #10485486 (Approved)
- A system generates and displays a clinical metric based on continuously collected patient physiological data, wherein the clinical metric provides a predictive measure of the likelihood of the onset of a cardiorespiratory deterioration event in the patient in a predetermined time period in the future. If the clinical metric has a configured relationship with a predetermined threshold value, embodiments may generate an alarm in addition to or instead of displaying the clinical metric. The clinical metric thus allows clinical staff to take medically indicated actions to prevent or reduce the effects of the predicted deterioration.
- Co Inventors: Craig Rusin, Kenneth M Brady, Eric Vu, Sebastian Acosta, Daniel J Penny
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