- Associate Professor
Houston, TX US
- Division Chief, Body & Cardiovascular Imaging
Pediatric Radiology
Texas Children's Hospital
Houston, Texas United States
- Texas Children's Hospital (Hospital)
Room: TXCH-2-2521
Houston, TX 77030
United States
- Texas Children's Hospital (Office)
Room: TXCH-2-2521
Houston, TX 77030
United States
- MBBS from University Of Mumbai
- 01/1996 - Bombay, India
- MD from Sion Hospital
- 12/2001 - Mumbai, Maharashtra India
- Fellowship at Mallinckrodt Institute Of Radiology
- 06/2007 - St. Louis, Missouri United States
- Fellowship at Mallinckrodt Institute Of Radiology
- 06/2008 - St. Louis, Missouri United States
- Fellowship at Mallinckrodt Institute Of Radiology
- 06/2009 - St. Louis, Missouri United States
- Fellowship at Mallinckrodt Institute Of Radiology
- 06/2010 - St. Louis, Missouri United States
- ABR Certified
- American Board of Radiology
- CAQ Pediatric Radiology
- American Board of Radiology
Honors & Awards
- Norton Rose Fulbright award
- Baylor Star Clinician award
Professional Interests
- Pediatric Cardiac Imaging
- Liver Imaging
- Coronary Anomaly Imaging
- IBD imaging
Professional Statement
Dr. Masand is board certified by the American Board of Radiology and has a certificate of added qualification in the field of Pediatric Radiology. He is an expert in pediatric cardiovascular CT and MRI, and is a key member of the liver, inflammatory bowel disease and coronary anomaly programs at the Texas Children's Hospital. He has authored and co-authored 50 publications and has over 60 invited lectures on his resume. He has written numerous book chapters and review articles. Dr Masand is the Chair of the Society of Pediatric Radiology CT committee, and a member of the Cardiovascular committee. Dr Masand is associated with numerous societies including the RSNA, SCMR, ARRS, NASCI, ISCT and ISPR. Dr Masand's research interests involve the use of non-invasive imaging biomarkers for diffuse liver disease, MR Elastography for fontan associated liver disease, CT Angiography for anomalous aortic origin of coronary arteries, CT Dynamic airway imaging, and 3D printing in congenital heart disease.Websites
1. Nawale A J, Merchant S, Koteyar S, Masand PM. Antenatal Diagnosis in Exencephaly-Case Report. Bombay Hospital Journal, July 2000
2. Herman T, Siegel M, Vachharajani A, Masand PM, Cross D. Cerebral arteriovenous fistula to pulmonary artery onyx embolization. J perinatology 2007; 27(4): 238-240.
3. Ho ML, Masand PM, Gutierrez FR. Left ventricular myocardial bands: MDCT and MR appearance. J Thorac Imaging. 2009 May; 24(2):119-24
4. Knudson J, Lopez K, Maskatia S, McKenzie E, Lantin鈥怘ermoso M, Masand PM, Vick G. Type B Interrupted Left Aortic Arch with Isolated Right Subclavian Artery. Congenital heart disease 2012; 7(3): E25-E30.
5. R Chu Z, Pednekar A, Vogelius E, Masand PM, Maskatia S, Morris S, Krishnamurthy R. Pulse wave velocity measurement in the aorta: comparison of pediatric patients with single right ventricle and normal controls. J Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2013; 15(Suppl 1): E92.
6. Rojas Y, Masand PM, Vasudevan S. Management of benign liver tumors in children: a 10-year institutional experience. Journal of Surgical Research Feb 2013; Vol 179 (2): 196
7. Morris S, Masand P et al. Vertebral artery tortuosity in Turner syndrome: is tortuosity a component of the aortopathy phenotype? Journal of Cardiovascular MR. 2014; Vol 16, P115
8. Rodriguez J, Masand PM, Kellermayer R. Upper Endoscopic Diagnosis of a Jejuno-colonic Fistula. J pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition July 2016, Vol 63 (Issue 1): 14-16
9. Xue M, Masand PM, Thompson P, Finegold M, Leung D. Angiosarcoma successfully treated with liver transplantation and sirolimus. Pediatric transplantation 2014; 18(4): E114-E119.
10. Masand PM. Radiographic findings associated with vascular anomalies. Semin Plast Surg. 2014 May; 28(2):69-78.
11. Orth RC, Guillerman RP, Zhang W, Masand PM, Bisset GS 3rd. Prospective comparison of MR imaging and US for the diagnosis of pediatric appendicitis. Radiology. 2014 Jul;272(1):233-40
12. Masand PM. MRI of CNS Infection and Inflammation in Pediatric Patients. Medscape CME article. Released Sept 2014.
13. Krishnamurthy R, Pednekar A, Atweh LA, Vogelius E, Chu ZD, Zhang W, Maskatia S, Masand PM, Morris SA, Krishnamurthy R, Muthupillai R. Clinical validation of free breathing respiratory triggered retrospectively cardiac gated cine balanced steady-state free precession cardiovascular magnetic resonance in sedated children. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2015 Jan 14;17(1):1
14. Ma IT, Rojas Y, Masand PM, Castro EC, Himes RW, Kim ES, Goss JA, Nuchtern JG, Finegold MJ, Thompson PA, Vasudevan SA. Focal nodular hyperplasia in children: an institutional experience with review of the literature. J Pediatr Surg. 2015 Mar;50(3):382-7
15. Molossi S, Masand P et al. Standardized approach to patients with anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery: results from the coronary anomalies program at Texas Childrens Hospital. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. March 2017; Vol 65: A501
16. Shi Y, Felsted AE, Masand PM, Mothner BA, Nuchtern JG, Rodriguez JR, Vasudevan SA. Congenital left paraduodenal hernia causing chronic abdominal pain and abdominal catastrophe. Pediatrics. 2015 Apr; 135(4):e1067-71.
17. Kueht M, Masand PM, Rana A, Cotton R, Goss J. Concurrent hepatic hemangioma and solitary fibrous tumor: diagnosis and management. J Surg Case Rep. 2015 Jul 24;2015(7)
18. Felsted AE, Shi Y, Masand PM, Nuchtern JG, Goss JA, Vasudevan SA. Intraoperative ultrasound for liver tumor resection in children. J Surg Res. 2015 Oct; 198(2):418-23.
19. Bartz SK, Karaviti LP, Brandt ML, Lopez ME, Masand PM, Devaraj S, Hicks J, Anderson L, Lodish M, Keil M, Stratakis CA. Residual manifestations of hypercortisolemia following surgical treatment in a patient with Cushing syndrome. Int J Pediatr Endocrinol. 2015;2015(1):19
20. Masand PM. MRI of Central Nervous system Infection and Inflammation in Pediatric patients. Publication for Medscape CME activity;Sept 15th, 2015
21. Orth RC, Guillerman RP, Zhang W, Masand PM, Bisset GS 3rd. Prospective Comparison of MR Imaging and US for the Diagnosis of Pediatric Appendicitis. Radiology. 2015 Dec; 277(3): 927
22. Masand PM, MR imaging in acute appendicitis, Emergency Medicine: Dec 2015, 235-239
23. Leonardo I. Valentin, Luis Perez, Masand PM. Hepatoblastoma Associated with Trisomy 18 J Pediatr Genet. 2015 Dec; 4(4): 204鈥206.
24. Rojas Y, Slater B, Hicks J, M. Okcu F, Masand PM, Mazziotti M. Rhabdomyosarcoma arising within the biliary tract mimicking a choledochal cyst: Case reports in clinical pathology, Feb 2016 (Vol 3):65-68
25. Shi Y, Geller JI, Ma IT, Chavan RS, Masand PM, Towbin AJ, Chintagumpala M, Nuchtern JG, Tiao GM, Thompson PA, Vasudevan SA. Relapsed hepatoblastoma confined to the lung is effectively treated with pulmonary metastasectomy. J Pediatr Surg. 2016 Apr; 51(4): 525-9.
26. Techavichit P, Masand PM, Himes RW, Abbas R, Goss JA, Vasudevan SA, Finegold MJ, Heczey A. Undifferentiated Embryonal Sarcoma of the Liver (UESL): A Single-Center Experience and Review of the Literature. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2016 May; 38(4):261-8.
27. Shi Y, Chavan RS, Masand PM, Towbin AJ, Chintagumpala M, Nuchtern J, Tiao GM, Thompson PA, Vasudevan SA. Relapsed hepatoblastoma confined to the lung is effectively treated with pulmonary metastasectomy. J Pediatr Surg. 2016 Apr;51(4):525-9
28. Rodrigues J R, Masand P, Kellermayer R. Upper Endoscopic Diagnosis of a jejunocolic fistula. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. July 2016: Vol 63, issue 1; 14
29. Commander SJ, Goss M, Shi Y, Finegold M, Heczey A, Kukreja K, Masand PM, Vasudevan SA. Liver abscesses secondary to Escherichia coli infection mimicking multifocal hepatoblastoma: A case report. J Pediatr Surg Case Reports, Volume 18, Pages 42-44
30.Chen PC, Swanson JC, Masand P, Rodriguez JR, Mery CM. Diaphragmatic hernia
associated with absent ductus venosus and anomalous connection of an obliterated
umbilical vein to the coronary sinus. World J Pediatr Congenital Heart Surg. Jan 2017
31. Agrawal H, Mery C, Krishnamurthy R, Masand PM, Jadhav S, Fraser C, Qureshi A,
Molossi S. Stress Myocardial Perfusion Imaging in Anomalous Aortic Origin of a
Coronary Artery: Results Following a Standardized Approach. Journal of the American
College of Cardiology 11 (69), 1616, March 2017
32. Schwimmer JB, Masand P et al. Magnetic Resonance Elastography Measured Shear
stiffness as a Biomarker of Fibrosis in Pediatric Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
Hepatology. 2017 May; 66(5), 1474-1485
33. Shi Y, Commander S, Masand PM, Heczey A, Goss JA, Vasudevan S. Vasular
invasion is a prognostic indicator in hepatoblastoma. J Pediatr Surg. 2017
34. Ng K, Rana A, Masand P, Patel K, Heczey A, Goss J, Himes R. Fatal CNS Post-
transplant lymphoproliferative disease in a patient who underwent liver
transplantation for hepatoblastoma. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017 Aug 23
35. Mery C, Masand P et al. Outcomes of Surgical Intervention for Anomalous Aortic
Origin of a Coronary Artery: A Large Contemporary Prospective Cohort Study. J of
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. September 2017
36. Artunduaga M, Jadhav S, Ketwaroo P, Eldin K, Masand PM. Radio-pathologic
corelation of tricuspid valve fibroelastoma in a 11 month old patient. Journal of
Radiology Case Reports. September 2017
37. Agrawal H, Masand P et al. Aborted sudden cardiac death after unroofing of
anomalous left coronary artery. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery: September 2017
38. Edwards L, Masand P, Morris S. Atypical Circular Shunt and Diffuse Emphysema in
a Fetus with Double-Outlet Right Ventricle and Absent Pulmonary Valve. J of
Cardiovascular Imaging Case Reports. September 2017
42. Agrawal H, Masand P et al. Decreased quality of life in patients and families following a diagnosis of anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery. Circulation, 2017: Vol 136
40. Chen P, Masand PM et al. Diaphragmatic hernia associated with absent ductus
venosus and anomalous connection of an obliterated umbilical vein to the coronary
sinus. World J of Ped and Cong Heart Surg. Sep 2017
41. Middleton M, Masand P et al. Diagnostic accuracy of MRI hepatic proton density fat
fraction in pediatric non alcoholic fatty liver disease. Hepatology. 2017 Oct; 67(3)
42. Goette M, Dodd N, Krance R, Masand P. Shear Wave Elastography ultrasound in a
pediatric population with hepatic veno-occlusive disease. Medical Physics: Vol 44,
issue 6; 3238-39
43. Pimpalwar S, Masand P et al. Dynamic magnetic resonance lymphangiography:
Categorization of imaging findings and correlation with patient management. European journal of Radiology; Feb 2018
44. Molossi S, Masand P et al. Intramyocardial coronary arteries in children: Not all are
benign and but most allow return to exercise. Journal of the American College of
Cardiology; Mar 2018
45. Noel C, Masand P et al. Myocardial stress perfusion MRI: Experience in pediatric
and young adult patients following arterial switch operation utilizing regadenoson.
Pediatric Cardiology; May 2018
46. Masand PM. MR Imaging features of common focal liver lesion in children. Pediatric
Radiology; September 2018
47. Iacobas I, Masand PM, et al. Guidance document for hepatic hemangioma (Infantile
and Congenital) evaluation and monitoring. Journal of Pediatrics, Dec 2018: Vol
203; 294-300
48. Knadler J, Masand PM, et al. In utero aortic arch thrombosis masquerading as
interrupted aortic arch: A Case report and review of literature. Pediatric Cardiology:Feb 2019
- Hepatoblastoma trial, CFLD PUSH study, MR Elastography in Fontan associated liver disease, Coronary anomaly CT, Dynamic Airway CT, Shear wave elastography
- Using multimedia and gamification to enhance congenital heart disease education (MAGESTI program)
- Co-PI Grant funding from Cystic Fibrosis Liver disease foundation
- Pediatric Cardiovascular & Body Imager
Hindi, Marathi, French
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