Patricia Bastero

Patricia Bastero
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
Pediatrics-Critical Care
Houston, TX US
- TCH - Legacy Tower (Clinic)
6651 Main Street
Phone: (832) 826-6230
- TCH - Legacy Tower (Hospital)
6651 Main Street
Phone: (832) 826-6230
- MD from Faculty Of Medicine, Universidad De Navarra
- 07/1999 - Pamplona, Navarra Spain
- Residency at University Hospital of Navarra
- 06/2004 - Pamplona, Navarra Spain
- Clinical Fellowship at University Hospital of Navarra
- 06/2007 - Pamplona, Navarra Spain
- Clinical Fellowship at Hospital For Sick Children
- 06/2009 - Toronto, Ontario Canada
- Clinical Fellowship at Royal Children's Hospital
- 04/2011 - Melbourne, Victoria Australia
- Assistant Professor Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
- Texas Children's Hospital
Honors & Awards
- PFCCS instructor
- Texas Children's Hospital
- Simulation Instructor
- Harvard: Center for Medical Simulation
- Doctorate in Medicine
- Thesis: Polymorphisms of Vitamin D and Estrogen's receptor genes and growth in healthy children
- University of Navarra (07/2000 - 06/2005)
Professional Interests
- ECMO transport
- Simulation in health care
- International collaboration
Selected Publications
- Bastarrika G, De Cecco CN, Bastero P, Arraiza M, Barba J, Anselmi A, Alzina V "." Ann. Thorac. Surg.. 2008 Nov;86(5):e4. Pubmed PMID:
- Bastero P, Bronicki R "Clinical Assessment of Cardiovascular Structure, Function and Dysfunction." Comprehensive Critical Care: Pediatric.;
- Floh, La Rotta, Wermelt, Bastero, Sivarajan, Humpl. "." Intensive Care Med 2013 May;39(5):926-33. 2013; Pubmed PMID:
- Bastero-Minon P, Russell JL, Humpl T "." 10.1007/s00134-012-2592-2. 2012; Pubmed PMID:
- Alzina, Gaboli, Bastero-Minon, Romero, de Alava "." An Pediatr (Barc). 2005 Mar;62(3):210-4. 2005; Pubmed PMID:
- Alzina, Bastero-Minon, Gaboli "." An Esp Pediatr. 2002 Sep;57(3):205-8. 2002; Pubmed PMID:
- Azcona, Romero, Bastero, Santamaria "Infantile Obesity." Rev. Esp. Obes 2005; 3 (1): 26-39. 2005;
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