Mary L Brandt, M.D., MDiv

Mary L Brandt, M.D., MDiv
Distinguished Emeritus Professor
- Distinguished Emeritus Professor
Department of Surgery
- Attending Surgeon, Pediatric Surgery Service
Texas Children's Hospital
- Residency at St. Justine Hospital, University of Montreal
- 01/1988 - Montreal, Canada
- Residency at 草榴社区入口
- 01/1982 - Houston, TX United States
- M.D. from 草榴社区入口
- 01/1982 - Houston, TX United States
- BA from The University of Texas at Austin
- 01/1979 - Austin, TX United States
- Plan II (Liberal Arts Honors Program)
- Pediatric Surgery
- American Board of Surgery
- Surgical Critical Care
- American Board of Surgery
- General Surgery
- American Board of Surgery
Professional Interests
- Pediatric Surgery
- Education
Professional Statement
Mary L. Brandt, MD, MDiv serves as Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Surgery, Pediatrics, and Medical Ethics at 草榴社区入口 in the Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy. During her long career as a pediatric surgeon she cared for the full spectrum of surgical problems in children, with particular expertise in caring for children with biliary atresia, achalasia, necrotizing enterocolitis, and pediatric dialysis access. An established and successful clinical researcher, Dr. Brandt has published more than 245 peer reviewed publications, 26 chapters and 2 books. Dr. Brandt is also known nationally and internationally as an educator and mentor and has received numerous teaching and leadership awards. Among her many roles in education, she served as a General Surgery Program Director and Dean of Student Affairs at 草榴社区入口. This work led to her growing expertise in belonging and the epidemic of healer distress in our country and around the world. To better understand and write about these issues, she pursued a Master of Divinity degree, graduating in June 2021 from Iliff School of Theology. As a result, Dr. Brandt speaks and writes regularly on identifying and correcting systemic issues in medicine and the importance of meaning to heal those who heal others. In recognition of her leadership and contributions, in 2023 she was awarded the Ladd Medal, the most prestigious award in American pediatric surgery.Websites
Selected Publications
- Moss RL, Kalish LA, Duggan C, Johnston P, Brandt ML, Dunn JC, Ehrenkranz RA, Jaksic T, Nobuhara K, Simpson BJ, McCarthy MC, Sylvester KG "." J Perinatol. 2008 Oct;28(10):665-74. Pubmed PMID:
- Inge TH, Jenkins TM, Zeller M, Dolan L, Daniels SR, Garcia VF, Brandt ML, Bean J, Gamm K, Xanthakos SA "." J. Pediatr.. 2010 Jan;156(1):103-108.e1. Pubmed PMID:
- Douglas G, Axelrad ME, Brandt ML, Crabtree E, Dietrich JE, French S, Gunn S, Karaviti L, Lopez ME, Macias CG, McCullough LB, Suresh D, Sutton VR "." Int J Pediatr Endocrinol. 2010;2010:919707. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML, Harmon CM, Helmrath MA, Inge TH, McKay SV, Michalsky MP "." Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2010 Nov;6(11):637-45. Pubmed PMID:
- Duro D, Mitchell PD, Kalish LA, Martin C, McCarthy M, Jaksic T, Dunn J, Brandt ML, Nobuhara KK, Sylvester KG, Moss RL, Duggan C "." J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr.. 2011 May;52(5):595-600. Pubmed PMID:
- Duro D, Kalish LA, Johnston P, Jaksic T, McCarthy M, Martin C, Dunn JC, Brandt M, Nobuhara KK, Sylvester KG, Moss RL, Duggan C "." J. Pediatr.. 2010 Aug;157(2):203-208.e1. Pubmed PMID:
- Inge TH, Miyano G, Bean J, Helmrath M, Courcoulas A, Harmon CM, Chen MK, Wilson K, Daniels SR, Garcia VF, Brandt ML, Dolan LM "." Pediatrics. 2009 Jan;123(1):214-22. Pubmed PMID:
- Superina R, Magee JC, Brandt ML, Healey PJ, Tiao G, Ryckman F, Karrer FM, Iyer K, Fecteau A, West K, Burns RC, Flake A, Lee H, Lowell JA, Dillon P, Colombani P, Ricketts R, Li Y, Moore J, Wang KS "." Ann. Surg.. 2011 Oct;254(4):577-85. Pubmed PMID:
- Lazar D, Naik B, Fitch ME, Nuchtern JG, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2008 Jul;43(7):1408-10. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML "." Surg. Clin. North Am.. 2008 Feb;88(1):27-43, vii-viii. Pubmed PMID:
- Luks FI, Yazbeck S, Brandt ML, Desjardins JG "." Chir Pediatr. 1990;31(3):157-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Yustein JT, Rednam S, Bertuch AA, Goss JA, Brandt ML, Eldin K, Lu X, Hicks J "." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2010 Jul 1;54(7):1041-4. Pubmed PMID:
- Vignault F, Filiatrault D, Brandt ML, Garel L, Grignon A, Ouimet A "." Radiology. 1990 Aug;176(2):501-4. Pubmed PMID:
- Hsia DS, Fallon SC, Brandt ML "." Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012 Aug 1;166(8):757-66. Pubmed PMID:
- Helmrath MA, Brandt ML, Inge TH "." Surg. Clin. North Am.. 2006 Apr;86(2):441-54, x. Pubmed PMID:
- Gwilliam NR, Lazar DA, Brandt ML, Mahoney DH, Wesson DE, Mazziotti MV, Nuchtern JG, Lee TC "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2012 Aug;47(8):1537-41. Pubmed PMID:
- Horwitz IB, Horwitz SK, Brandt ML, Brunicardi FC, Scott BG, Awad SS "." Am. J. Surg.. 2007 Sep;194(3):401-5. Pubmed PMID:
- Inge TH, Krebs NF, Garcia VF, Skelton JA, Guice KS, Strauss RS, Albanese CT, Brandt ML, Hammer LD, Harmon CM, Kane TD, Klish WJ, Oldham KT, Rudolph CD, Helmrath MA, Donovan E, Daniels SR "." Pediatrics. 2004 Jul;114(1):217-23. Pubmed PMID:
- Fridley J, Foroozan R, Sherman V, Brandt ML, Yoshor D "." J. Neurosurg.. 2011 Jan;114(1):34-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Luks FI, Yazbeck S, Brandt ML, Bensoussan AL, Brochu P, Blanchard H "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1991 Nov;26(11):1326-30. Pubmed PMID:
- Miltenburg DM, Schaffer R, Breslin T, Brandt ML "." Pediatrics. 2000 Jun;105(6):1250-3. Pubmed PMID:
- Lee L, Berger DH, Awad SS, Brandt ML, Martinez G, Brunicardi FC "." World J Surg. 2008 Nov;32(11):2331-5. Pubmed PMID:
- Fallon SC, Hatef DA, McKnight AJ, Izaddoost SA, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2013 Jan;48(1):255-7. Pubmed PMID:
- Lee TC, Dreyer ZE, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol.. 2005 Nov;27(11):616-7. Pubmed PMID:
- Arumugam R, Brandt ML, Jaksic T, Gilger M "." Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2000 Jun;39(6):369-71. Pubmed PMID:
- Andze GO, Brandt ML, St Vil D, Bensoussan AL, Blanchard H "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1991 Mar;26(3):295-9; discussi. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML, Luks FI, Spigland NA, DiLorenzo M, Laberge JM, Ouimet A "." J Trauma. 1992 Mar;32(3):298-301. Pubmed PMID:
- De Silva NK, Brandt ML "." J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2006 Oct;19(5):345-9. Pubmed PMID:
- De Silva NK, Brandt ML "." J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2006 Dec;19(6):415-8. Pubmed PMID:
- Kim ME, Fallon SC, Bisset GS, Mazziotti MV, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2013 Jan;48(1):e47-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Nguyen L, Brunicardi FC, Dibardino DJ, Scott BG, Awad SS, Bush RL, Brandt ML "." World J Surg. 2006 Jun;30(6):1120-7. Pubmed PMID:
- Fuloria M, Wu Y, Brandt ML, Rubin BK "." Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2004 Mar;5(2):167-71. Pubmed PMID:
- Itani KM, Rothenberg SS, Brandt ML, Burch JM, Mattox KL, Harberg FJ, Pokorny WJ "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1993 May;28(5):677-80. Pubmed PMID:
- Cheng PJ, Vu LT, Cass DL, Hicks MJ, Brandt ML, Kim ES "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2012 Apr;47(4):803-7. Pubmed PMID:
- Chen-An Lee T, Kim ES, Ferrell LB, Brandt ML, Minifee PK, Midgen C, Domingo RP, Kearney DL "." Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2011 Dec;21(6):402-4. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML "." Semin. Pediatr. Surg.. 1996 Aug;5(3):197-205. Pubmed PMID:
- Murray JC, Singh RR, Brandt ML, Kearney DL, Ogden AK "." Clin. Infect. Dis.. 1994 Dec;19(6):1175-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Douglas G, Axelrad ME, Brandt ML, Crabtree E, Dietrich JE, French S, Gunn S, Karaviti L, Lopez ME, Macias CG, McCullough LB, Suresh D, Austin E, Reid Sutton V "." Pediatr Ann. 2012 Apr 1;41(4):e1-7. Pubmed PMID:
- Ledley FD, Woo SL, Ferry GD, Whisennand HH, Brandt ML, Darlington GJ, Demmler GJ, Finegold MJ, Pokorny WJ, Rosenblatt H "." Hum. Gene Ther.. 1991;2(4):331-58. Pubmed PMID:
- Soriano HE, Gest A, Bair D, Vander Straten M, Lewis D, Brandt M, Finegold M, Ledley FD "." Transplant. Proc.. 1992 Dec;24(6):2964-5. Pubmed PMID:
- Lee L, Brunicardi FC, Scott BG, Berger DH, Bush RL, Awad SS, Brandt ML "." J. Surg. Res.. 2008 Apr;145(2):308-12. Pubmed PMID:
- Eckert JW, Buerkle CJ, Major AM, Finegold MJ, Brandt ML "." Transplantation. 1995 Jan 15;59(1):109-11. Pubmed PMID:
- Saint-Vil D, Luks FI, Lebel P, Brandt ML, Paradis K, Weber A, Guay J, Guttman FM, Bensoussan AL, Laberge JM "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1991 Aug;26(8):908-13. Pubmed PMID:
- Fallon SC, Redell MS, El-Bietar J, Lopez ME, Vasudevan SA, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2013 Feb;48(2):436-40. Pubmed PMID:
- Monroe BJ, Fallon SC, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Metab.. 2012;25(41276):167-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Sivasankaran S, Itam P, Ayensu-Coker L, Sanchez J, Egler RA, Anderson ML, Brandt ML, Dietrich JE "." J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2009 Oct;22(5):e114-7. Pubmed PMID:
- Miltenburg DM, Nuchtern JG, Jaksic T, Kozinetiz C, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1998 Jun;33(6):874-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Sorabella RA, Miniati DN, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2005 Dec;40(12):e39-41. Pubmed PMID:
- Moss RL, Dimmitt RA, Barnhart DC, Sylvester KG, Brown RL, Powell DM, Islam S, Langer JC, Sato TT, Brandt ML, Lee H, Blakely ML, Lazar EL, Hirschl RB, Kenney BD, Hackam DJ, Zelterman D, Silverman BL "." N. Engl. J. Med.. 2006 May 25;354(21):2225-34. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML, Pokorny WJ, McGill CW, Harberg FJ "." Am. J. Surg.. 1985 Dec;150(6):767-71. Pubmed PMID:
- Hicks J, Dilley A, Patel D, Barrish J, Zhu SH, Brandt M "." Ultrastruct Pathol.;25(4):321-33. Pubmed PMID:
- Dilley AV, Patel DL, Hicks MJ, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2001 Jan;36(1):229-31. Pubmed PMID:
- Dudrick SJ, O'Donnell JJ, Hickey MS, Matheny RG, Brandt ML "." South. Med. J.. 1984 Dec;77(12):1506-8. Pubmed PMID:
- Pokorny WJ, Brandt ML, Harberg FJ "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1986 Jul;21(7):613-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Spigland N, Di Lorenzo M, Youssef S, Russo P, Brandt M "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1990 Nov;25(11):1143-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Spigland N, Brandt ML, Yazbeck S "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1990 Nov;25(11):1139-42. Pubmed PMID:
- Feliciano DV, Herskowitz K, O'Gorman RB, Cruse PA, Brandt ML, Burch JM, Mattox KL "." J Trauma. 1988 Mar;28(3):319-28. Pubmed PMID:
- St-Vil D, Brandt ML, Panic S, Bensoussan AL, Blanchard H "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1991 Nov;26(11):1289-92. Pubmed PMID:
- Chung MA, Brandt ML, St-Vil D, Yazbeck S "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1991 Nov;26(11):1306-8. Pubmed PMID:
- Miltenburg DM, Nuchtern JG, Jaksic T, Kozinetz CA, Brandt ML "." Am. J. Surg.. 1997 Dec;174(6):741-4. Pubmed PMID:
- Shinawi M, Hicks J, Guillerman RP, Jones J, Brandt M, Perez M, Lee B "." Scand. J. Rheumatol..;36(2):145-8. Pubmed PMID:
- Yunker WK, Hassan SF, Ferrell LB, Hicks MJ, Giannoni CM, Wesson DE, Cassady CI, Hernandez JA, Brandt ML, Lopez ME "." Pediatr. Surg. Int.. 2013 May;29(5):437-43. Pubmed PMID:
- Wu Y, Teng BB, Brandt ML, Piedra PA, Liu J, Chan L "." J. Surg. Res.. 1999 Jul;85(1):148-57. Pubmed PMID:
- Subramanian A, Timberlake M, Mittakanti H, Lara M, Brandt ML "." J Surg Educ. 2012 Mar;69(2):253-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Klish WJ, Brandt ML, Helmrath MA "." J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr.. 2004 Jul;39(1):41309. Pubmed PMID:
- Gilger MA, Yeh C, Chiang J, Dietrich C, Brandt ML, El-Serag HB "." Clin. Gastroenterol. Hepatol.. 2004 Nov;2(11):978-84. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML, Helmrath MA "." Semin. Pediatr. Surg.. 2005 May;14(2):78-85. Pubmed PMID:
- Flannery TK, Kirkland JL, Copeland KC, Bertuch AA, Karaviti LP, Brandt ML "." Pediatrics. 1996 Sep;98(3):464-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Muolokwu E, Sanchez J, Bercaw JL, Sangi-Haghpeykar H, Banszek T, Brandt ML, Dietrich JE "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2011 Nov;46(11):2164-7. Pubmed PMID:
- Naik-Mathuria B, Chang S, Fitch ME, Westhoff J, Brandt ML, Ayres NA, Olutoye OO, Cass DL "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2008 Jun;43(6):1100-5. Pubmed PMID:
- Blanchard H, Bensoussan AL, Weber A, Gauthier M, Lacroix J, Charest J, Laberge JM, Guttman FM, Brandt ML, Adelson J "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1989 Oct;24(10):1009-12. Pubmed PMID:
- Cass DL, Brandt ML, Patel DL, Nuchtern JG, Minifee PK, Wesson DE "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2000 Nov;35(11):1531-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Sheth RD, Brandt ML, Brewer ED, Nuchtern JG, Kale AS, Goldstein SL "." Kidney Int.. 2002 Nov;62(5):1864-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Kenton AB, Hegemier S, Smith EO, O'Donovan DJ, Brandt ML, Cass DL, Helmrath MA, Washburn K, Weihe EK, Fernandes CJ "." J Perinatol. 2005 Mar;25(3):173-7. Pubmed PMID:
- Luks FI, Chung MA, Brandt ML, Hertecant J, Roy CC, Blanchard H, Bensoussan AL "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1991 Dec;26(12):1384-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Carpenter RO, Schaffer RL, Maeso CE, Sasan F, Nuchtern JG, Jaksic T, Harberg FJ, Wesson DE, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1999 Jun;34(6):959-61. Pubmed PMID:
- Wu Y, Liu J, Woo S, Finegold MJ, Brandt ML "." Fetal. Diagn. Ther..;14(6):323-7. Pubmed PMID:
- Ludwig AD, Feig DI, Brandt ML, Hicks MJ, Fitch ME, Cass DL "." Am. J. Surg.. 2007 Dec;194(6):792-6; discussi. Pubmed PMID:
- Murray JC, Dorfman SR, Brandt ML, Dreyer ZE "." J. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol.. 1996 Aug;18(3):327-30. Pubmed PMID:
- Burchhardt D, Fallon SC, Lopez ME, Kim ES, Hicks J, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2012 Oct;47(10):e51-4. Pubmed PMID:
- Laberge JM, Brandt ML, Lebecque P, Moulin D, Veykemans F, Paradis K, Pelletier L, Lacroix J, Blanchard H, de Ville de Goyet J "." Transplantation. 1992 May;53(5):1135-8. Pubmed PMID:
- Helmrath MA, Dorfman SR, Minifee PK, Bloss RS, Brandt ML, DeBakey ME "." Am. J. Surg.. 2001 Dec;182(6):729-32. Pubmed PMID:
- Fallon SC, Lopez ME, Zhang W, Brandt ML, Wesson DE, Lee TC, Rodriguez JR "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2013 May;48(5):1032-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Kenton AB, O'Donovan D, Cass DL, Helmrath MA, Smith EO, Fernandes CJ, Washburn K, Weihe EK, Brandt ML "." J Perinatol. 2005 Jan;25(1):14-20. Pubmed PMID:
- Di Lorenzo M, Brandt ML, Veilleux A "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1991 Nov;26(11):1334-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Doerr CA, Demmler GJ, Garcia-Prats JA, Brandt ML "." Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J.. 1994 Jan;13(1):64-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Sheth RD, Kale AS, Brewer ED, Brandt ML, Nuchtern JG, Goldstein SL "." Am. J. Kidney Dis.. 2001 Sep;38(3):553-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Shah SK, Stayer SE, Hicks MJ, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2008 Nov;43(11):2115-7. Pubmed PMID:
- Cass DL, Hawkins E, Brandt ML, Chintagumpala M, Bloss RS, Milewicz AL, Minifee PK, Wesson DE, Nuchtern JG "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2001 May;36(5):693-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Edwards MJ, Kollenberg SJ, Brandt ML, Wesson DE, Nuchtern JG, Minifee PK, Cass DL "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2005 May;40(5):850-4. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML, O'Regan S, Rousseau E, Yazbeck S "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1990 Nov;25(11):1109-12. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML, Luks FI, Filiatrault D, Garel L, Desjardins JG, Youssef S "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1991 Mar;26(3):276-81; discuss. Pubmed PMID:
- Washburn KK, Currier H, Salter KJ, Brandt ML "." Adv Perit Dial. 2004;20:218-21. Pubmed PMID:
- Mak GZ, Harberg FJ, Hiatt P, Deaton A, Calhoon R, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2000 Feb;35(2):349-52. Pubmed PMID:
- Schultz KD, Fan LL, Pinsky J, Ochoa L, Smith EO, Kaplan SL, Brandt ML "." Pediatrics. 2004 Jun;113(6):1735-40. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML "." Am. J. Surg.. 2009 Dec;198(6):742-7. Pubmed PMID:
- Dilley A, Wesson D, Munden M, Hicks J, Brandt M, Minifee P, Nuchtern J "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2001 Feb;36(2):303-8. Pubmed PMID:
- Muolokwu E, Sanchez J, Bercaw JL, Sangi-Haghpeykar H, Banszek T, Brandt ML, Dietrich JE "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2011 Nov;46(11):2161-3. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML, Luks FI, Lacroix J, Guay J, Collin PP, Dilorenzo M "." Clin Intensive Care. 1994;5(3):123-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML, Eckert JW, Buerkle CJ, Finegold MJ "." J Invest Surg.;9(3):161-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Eckert JW, Abramson SL, Starke J, Brandt ML "." Am. J. Surg.. 1995 Mar;169(3):320-3. Pubmed PMID:
- Fallon SC, Slater BJ, Larimer EL, Brandt ML, Lopez ME "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2013 Apr;48(4):830-4. Pubmed PMID:
- Soriano HE, Lewis D, Legner M, Brandt M, Baley P, Darlington G, Finegold M, Ledley FD "." Transplantation. 1992 Oct;54(4):717-23. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML, Luks FI, St Vil D, Laberge JM, Caouette-Laberge L, Blanchard H "." Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1991 Apr;172(4):321-2. Pubmed PMID:
- Rielly JP, Brandt ML, Mattox KL, Pokorny WJ "." J Trauma. 1993 Mar;34(3):329-31. Pubmed PMID:
- Naik-Mathuria BJ, Cotton RT, Fitch ME, Popek EJ, Brandt ML "." J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2008 Apr;18(2):317-20. Pubmed PMID:
- Horwitz IB, Horwitz SK, Daram P, Brandt ML, Brunicardi FC, Awad SS "." J. Surg. Res.. 2008 Jul;148(1):49-59. Pubmed PMID:
- Lazar DA, Lee TC, Almulhim SI, Pinsky JR, Fitch M, Brandt ML "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2011 Dec;46(12):2349-52. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML, Moise KJ, Eckert JW, Johnson L, Waltrip T, Saade G, Wu Y, Finegold MJ "." J Invest Surg.;10(41276):41-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Rees L, Brandt ML "." Pediatr. Nephrol.. 2010 Apr;25(4):699-704. Pubmed PMID:
- Brandt ML, Daigneau C, Graviss EA, Naik-Mathuria B, Fitch ME, Washburn KK "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 2007 Jun;42(6):1015-21; discus. Pubmed PMID:
- Karmali S, Kadikoy H, Brandt ML, Sherman V "." Obes Surg. 2011 May;21(5):595-603. Pubmed PMID:
- Zaritsky JJ, Salusky IB, Gales B, Ramos G, Atkinson J, Allsteadt A, Brandt ML, Goldstein SL "." Pediatr. Nephrol.. 2008 Nov;23(11):2061-5. Pubmed PMID:
- Gilcrease MZ, Brandt ML, Hawkins EP "." J. Pediatr. Surg.. 1995 Jun;30(6):875-7. Pubmed PMID:
- Mehta S, Lopez ME, Chumpitazi BP, Mazziotti MV, Brandt ML, Fishman DS "." Pediatrics. 2012 Jan;129(1):e82-8. Pubmed PMID:
- American College of Surgeons
- Fellow
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Pediatric Surgery Association
- American Surgical Association
- Association of Women Surgeons
- Society of University Surgeons
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