- Assistant Professor
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Center for Precision Environmental Health
Houston, TX
- Office (Office)
One Baylor Plaza
Alkek N1317.03
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (713) 798-5614
- PhD from University of Virginia School of Medicine
05/2013 -
Charlottesville, Virginia United States
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri United States
Professional Interests
Molecular underpinnings of vertebrate development
Coordination of morphogenesis
Zebrafish genetics
Professional Statement
A developing embryo exhibits a remarkable degree of organization in its journey from a single cell to a fully functioning organism. This requires exquisite coordination of cell fates and behaviors, but how this is achieved at the molecular level remains largely unknown. Our lab seeks to identify mechanisms underlying coordination of vertebrate development using genetic, live imaging, and synthetic embryology approaches in zebrafish. By leveraging the strengths of our embryonic and naive explant model systems, we aim to define an essential complement of molecules required to shape the emerging body plan.