Lisa Schum Kahalley, Ph.D.

- Professor and Associate Chief of Research
Houston, TX US
- Member
Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center
Houston, Texas United States
- Director of Neurobehavioral Oncology
Texas Children's Cancer Center
- Fellowship at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
- Memphis, TN United States
- Internship at Duke University Medical Center
- Durham, North Carolina United States
- PhD from University Of Memphis
- Memphis, TN United States
- MS from Virginia Commonwealth University
- Richmond, VA United States
- BA from Rhodes College
- Memphis, TN United States
Selected Publications
- Mash LE, Kahalley LS, Okcu MF, Grosshans DR, Paulino AC, Stancel H, De Leon L, Wilde E, Desai N, Chu ZD, Whitehead WE, Chintagumpala M, Raghubar KP "Superior verbal learning and memory in pediatric brain tumor survivors treated with proton versus photon radiotherapy." Neuropsychology. 2023;37(2):204-217.
- Mash LE, Kahalley LS, Raghubar KP, Goodrich-Hunsaker NJ, Abildskov TJ, De Leon LA, MacLeod M, Stancel H, Parsons K, Biekman B, Desai NK, Grosshans DR, Paulino AC, Chu ZD, Whitehead WE, Okcu MF, Chintagumpala M, Wilde EA "Cognitive Sparing in Proton versus Photon Radiotherapy for Pediatric Brain Tumor Is Associated with White Matter Integrity: An Exploratory Study." Cancers (Basel). 2023;15(6):1844.
- Esbenshade AJ, Kahalley LS, Wistinghausen B, Cash T, Baertschiger RM, Zarnegar-Lumley S, Green A, Dhall G; COG Young Investigators Committee "Children's Oncology Group's 2023 blueprint for research: Young investigators." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2023 Jul 12;e30567.
- Aldave G, Okcu MF, Chintagumpala M, Ruggieri L, Minard CG, Malbari F, Mash LE, Paulino AC, McGovern S, Ramaswamy U, Whitehead W, Kahalley LS "Comparison of neurocognitive and quality-of-life outcomes in pediatric craniopharyngioma patients treated with partial resection and radiotherapy versus gross-total resection only." J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2023;31(5):453-462.
- Brown AL, Sok P, Raghubar KP, Lupo PJ, Richard MA, Morrison AC, Yang JJ, Stewart CF, Okcu MF, Chintagumpala MM, Gajjar A, Kahalley LS, Conklin H, Scheurer ME "Genetic susceptibility to cognitive decline following craniospinal irradiation for pediatric central nervous system tumors." Neuro Oncol. 2023 Apr 11;
- Lassaletta 脕, Morales JS, Valenzuela PL, Esteso B, Kahalley LS, Mabbott DJ, Unnikrishnan S, Panizo E, Calvo F "Neurocognitive outcomes in pediatric brain tumors after treatment with proton versus photon radiation: a systematic review and meta-analysis." World J Pediatr. 2023 May 8;
- McCurdy MD, Raghubar KP, Christopher K, Okcu MF, Wilde E, Desai N, Chu ZD, Gragert M, Stancel H, Warren EH, Whitehead WE, Grosshans D, Paulino AC, Chintagumpala M, Kahalley LS "Predicting neurocognitive function in pediatric brain tumor early survivorship: The neurological predictor scale and the incremental validity of tumor size." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022;69(9):e29803.
- Warren EAH, Raghubar KP, Cirino PT, Child AE, Lupo PJ, Grosshans DR, Paulino AC, Okcu MF, Minard CG, Ris MD, Mahajan A, Viana A, Chintagumpala M, Kahalley LS "Cognitive predictors of social adjustment in pediatric brain tumor survivors treated with photon versus proton radiation therapy." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022;69(6):e29645.
- Wefel JS, Zhou R, Sulman EP, Boehling NS, Armstrong GN, Tsavachidis S, Liang FW, Etzel CJ, Kahalley LS, Small BJ, Scheurer ME, Bondy ML, Liu Y "Genetic modulation of longitudinal change in neurocognitive function among adult glioma patients." J Neurooncol. 2022;156(1):185-193.
- Vasquez P, Escalante J, Raghubar KP, Kahalley LS, Taylor OA, Moore IK, Hockenberry MJ, Scheurer ME, Brown AL "Association between fatigue and sleep disturbances during treatment for pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia and posttreatment neurocognitive performance." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022;69(5):e29507.
- Gandy K, Chambers T, Raghubar K, Okcu MF, Chintagumpala M, Taylor O, Mahajan A, Kahalley LS, Chan W, Grosshans DR, Brown AL, Ris DM "A Prospective Evaluation of Fatigue in Pediatric Brain Tumor Patients Treated with Radiation Therapy." Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 2022 Jun;
- Malbari F, Gill J, Daigle A, Rodriguez LL, Raghubar KP, Davis KC, Scheurer M, Ma MM, Kralik SF, Meoded A, Okcu MF, Chintagumpala MM, Aldave G, Weiner HL, Kahalley LS "Cerebellar Mutism Syndrome in Pediatric Neuro-oncology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective and Call for Research Priorities." Pediatr Neurol. 2022;132:4-10.
- 3. Heitzer AM, Kahalley LS, Minard CG, Stafford C, Grosshans DR, Okcu MF, Raghubar KP, Gragert M, McCurdy M, Warren EH, Gomez J, Ris MD, Paulino AC, Chintagumpala M. "." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Aug;98(8) Pubmed PMID:
- Child AE, Warren EA, Grosshans DR, Paulino AC, Okcu MF, Ris MD, Mahajan A, Orobio J, Cirino PT, Minard CG, Viana AG, Bick J, Woods SP, Chintagumpala M, Kahalley LS. "." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Sep;68(9) Pubmed PMID:
- Brown AL, Raghubar KP, Taylor OA, Bernhardt MB, Kahalley LS, Pan W, Lupo PJ, Hockenberry MJ, Scheurer ME "Cerebrospinal Fluid Metabolomic Profiles Associated With Fatigue During Treatment for Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia." Support Care Cancer. 2021;5:2455-2464.
- Oyefiade A, Paltin I, De Luca CR, Hardy KK, Grosshans DR, Chintagumpala M, Mabbott DJ, Kahalley LS "." J Clin Oncol. 2021 Jun 1;39(16):1718-1726. Pubmed PMID:
- Kahalley LS, Peterson R, Ris MD, Janzen L, Okcu MF, Grosshans DR, Ramaswamy V, Paulino AC, Hodgson D, Mahajan A, Tsang DS, Laperriere N, Whitehead WE, Dauser RC, Taylor MD, Bouffet E, Chintagumpala M, Mabbott D. "." Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2020 Jul 1;38(19):2212-2213. Pubmed PMID:
- Heitzer AM, Ris D, Raghubar K, Kahalley LS, Hilliard ME, Gragert M "." Current Oncology Reports. 2020 Jul 28;22(10):102. Pubmed PMID:
- 8. Kahalley LS, Peterson R, Ris MD, Janzen L, Okcu MF, Grosshans DR, Ramaswamy V, Paulino AC, Hodgson D, Mahajan A, Tsang DS, Laperriere N, Whitehead WE, Dauser RC, Taylor MD, Conklin HM, Chintagumpala M, Bouffet E, Mabbott D. "." Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2020 Feb 10;38(5):454-461. Pubmed PMID:
- 10. Heitzer AM, Villagran AM, Raghubar K, Brown AL, Camet ML, Ris MD, Hanning JH, Okcu MF, Paulino AC, Chintagumpala M, Kahalley LS "." Journal of Neuro-Oncology.. 2020 Jan;146(1):147-156. Pubmed PMID:
- 9. Roth AK, Ris MD, Orobio J, Xue J, Mahajan A, Paulino AC, Grosshans D, Okcu MF, Chintagumpala M, Kahalley LS. "." Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 2020 Feb;67(2) Pubmed PMID:
- 12. Raghubar KP, Orobio J, Ris MD, Heitzer AM, Roth A, Brown AL, Okcu MF, Chintagumpala M, Grosshans DR, Paulino AC, Mahajan A, Kahalley LS. "." Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2019 Sep;66(9) Pubmed PMID:
- Heitzer AM, Raghubar K, Ris MD, Minard CG, Gragert MN, Stancel HH, Orobio J, Xue J, Whitehead W, Okcu MF, Chintagumpala M, Kahalley LS "." Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics. 2019 Dec 6;1-9 Pubmed PMID:
- Schulte F, Kunin-Batson AS, Olson-Bullis BA, Banerjee P, Hocking MC, Janzen L, Kahalley LS, Wroot H, Forbes C, Krull KR. "." Journal of Cancer Survivorship. 2019 Dec 13;13(6):921-931. Pubmed PMID:
- 13. Kahalley LS, Douglas Ris M, Mahajan A, Fatih Okcu M, Chintagumpala M, Paulino AC, Whitehead WE, Minard CG, Stancel HH, Orobio J, Xue JJ, Warren EA, Grosshans DR "." Neuro-Oncology. 2019 Jun 10;21(6):809-818. Pubmed PMID:
- 11. Esbenshade AJ, Kahalley LS, Baertschiger R, Dasgupta R, Goldsmith KC, Nathan PC, Harker-Murray P, Kitko CL, Kolb EA, Murphy ES, Muscal JA, Pierson CR, Reed D, Schore R, Unguru Y, Venkatramani R, Wistinghausen B, Dhall G "." Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2019 Oct;66(10) Pubmed PMID:
- 14. Krull KR, Hardy KK, Kahalley LS, Schuitema I, Kesler SR "." Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2018 Jul 20;36(21):2181-2189. Pubmed PMID:
- Esbenshade, A.J., Pierson, C.R., Thompson, A.L., Reed, D., Gupta, A., Levy, A., Kahalley, L.S., Harker-Murray, P., Schore, R., Muscal, J.A., Maloney, K., Horton, T., Zweidler-Mckay, P., & Dhall, G. "Long-term evidence that a pediatric oncology mentorship program for young investigators is feasible and beneficial in the cooperative group setting: A report from the Children鈥檚 Oncology Group." Ped Blood Cancer. 2018;65(3)
- Antonini, T.N., Ris, M.D., Grosshans, D.R., Mahajan, A., Okcu, M.F., Chintagumpala, M., Paulino, A.C., Child, A., Orobio, J., Stancel, H.H., & Kahalley, L.S. "Attention, Processing Speed, and Executive Functioning in Pediatric Brain Tumor Survivors Treated with Proton Beam Radiation Therapy." Radiotherapy & Oncology. 2017;124(1):89-97.
- Ris, M.D., Grosch, M., Fletcher, J., Mehta, P., & Kahalley, L.S. "Measurement of neurodevelopmental changes in children treated with radiation for brain tumors: What is a true 鈥渂aseline?鈥." The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 2017;31(2):307-328.
- Kahalley, L.S., Ris, M.D., Grosshans, D.R., Okcu, M.F., Paulino, A.C., Chintagumpala, M., Moore, B.D., Guffey, D., Minard, C.G., Stancel, H.H., & Mahajan, A. "." JCO. 2016;34(10):1043-1049. Pubmed PMID:
- Kahalley, L.S., Winter, A., Stancel, H.H., Ris, M.D., & Gragert, M. "Utility of the General Ability Index (GAI) with survivors of pediatric brain tumors: Comparison to full scale IQ and premorbid IQ estimates." Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 2016;38(10):1065-1076.
- Willard, V.W., Conklin, H.M., Huang, L., Zhang, H. & Kahalley, L.S. "Concordance of parent-, teacher- and self-report ratings on the Conners 3 in adolescent survivors of cancer." Psychological Assessment. 2016;28(9):1110-1118.
- Bishop, A.J., Greenfield, B., Mahajan, A., Paulino, A.C., Okcu, M.F., Allen, P.K., Chintagumpala, M., Kahalley, L.S., McAleer, M.F., McGovern, S.L., Whitehead, W.E., & Grosshans, D.R. "." International Journal of Radiation Oncology, . 2014;90(2):354-361. Pubmed PMID:
- Winter, A.L., Conklin, H., Tyc, V.L., Stancel, H.H., Hinds, P.S., Hudson, M.M., & Kahalley, L.S. "." Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsy. 2014;36(8):818-830. Pubmed PMID:
- Hansen, J.A., Stancel, H.H., Klesges, L.M., Tyc, V.L., Hinds, P.S., Wu, S., Hudson, M.M., & Kahalley, L.S. "." Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 2014;31(1):41-50. Pubmed PMID:
- Kahalley LS, Wilson SJ, Tyc VL, Conklin HM, Hudson MM, Wu S, Xiong X, Stancel HH, Hinds PS "." Psychooncology. 2013 Feb;22(2):447-58. Pubmed PMID:
- Kahalley, L.S., Conklin, H.M., Tyc, V.L., Hudson, M.M., Wilson, S.J., Wu, S., Xiong, X., & Hinds, P.S. "." Psycho-Oncology. 2013;22(9):1979-1986. Pubmed PMID:
- Moyer KH, Willard VW, Gross AM, Netson KL, Ashford JM, Kahalley LS, Wu S, Xiong X, Conklin HM "." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2012 Dec 15;59(7):1290-5. Pubmed PMID:
- Kahalley LS, Robinson LA, Tyc VL, Hudson MM, Leisenring W, Stratton K, Mertens AC, Zeltzer L, Robison LL, Hinds PS "." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2012 Mar;58(3):428-34. Pubmed PMID:
- Kahalley LS, Conklin HM, Tyc VL, Wilson SJ, Hinds PS, Wu S, Xiong X, Hudson MM "." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2011 Jul 15;57(1):110-8. Pubmed PMID:
- Netson KL, Conklin HM, Ashford JM, Kahalley LS, Wu S, Xiong X "." J Pediatr Psychol. 2011 May;36(4):438-50. Pubmed PMID:
- Kahalley LS, Tyc VL, Wilson SJ, Nelms J, Hudson MM, Wu S, Xiong X, Hinds PS "." J Cancer Surviv. 2011 Jun;5(2):123-31. Pubmed PMID:
- Kahalley LS, Robinson LA, Tyc VL, Hudson MM, Leisenring W, Stratton K, Zeltzer L, Mertens AC, Robison LL, Hinds PS "." Nicotine Tob. Res.. 2010 Apr;12(4):344-54. Pubmed PMID:
- Comparison of Symptom Burden/Toxicity, Neurocognitive Change, and Functional Outcomes in Pediatric Brain Tumor Patients Treated with Proton vs. Photon Radiotherapy - #R01 CA249988 (10/01/2021 - 10/01/2026) Grant funding from NIH/NCI
- Multi-PI: Kahalley, Mabbott, and Hinds
- White Matter Toxicity and Neurocognitive Outcomes in Pediatric Brain Tumor Patients Treated with Proton Beam Radiation Therapy - #R01 CA221197 (06/01/2017 - 05/31/2022) Grant funding from NIH/NCI
- A study examining associations between white matter toxicity and neurocognitive outcomes following treatment for pediatric brain tumors with proton beam radiation therapy vs. photon radiation therapy and surgery only. Multi-PI: Kahalley and Wilde
- Survivorship and Access to care for Latinos to Understand and address Disparities - #UH3 CA260607 (05/01/2023 - 04/30/2027) NIH/NCI
- Multi-PI: Scheurer, Gramatges, and Kahalley
- Survivorship and Access to care for Latinos to Understand and address Disparities - #UG3 CA260607 (05/01/2021 - 04/30/2023) Grant funding from NIH/NCI
- Multi-PI: Scheurer, Gramatges, and Kahalley
- Cognitive Change after Proton RT vs. Photon or Surgery for Pediatric Brain Tumor - #R01 CA187202 (08/18/2014 - 07/31/2019) Grant funding from NIH/NCI
- A study examining neurocognitive late effects following treatment for pediatric brain tumors with proton beam radiation therapy and comparing outcomes between patients treated with proton beam radiation therapy, photon radiation therapy, and surgery only. PI: Kahalley
- Neurocognitive Outcomes Following Proton Beam Radiation Therapy for Treatment of Pediatric Brain Tumor - #K07 CA157923 (08/01/2011 - 07/31/2016) Grant funding from NIH/NCI
- To examine neurocognitive late effects following treatment for pediatric brain tumor with proton beam radiation therapy and to compare outcomes between patients treated with proton beam versus conventional radiation therapy PI: Kahalley
- Cognitive Outcome of Proton Beam vs. Conventional Radiation Therapy for Pediatric Brain Tumor (06/01/2010 - 12/31/2012) Grant funding from Texas Children鈥檚 Hospital Pediatric Pilot Research Fund
- To examine neurocognitive outcomes following treatment for pediatric brain tumor with conventional or proton beam radiation therapy PI: Kahalley
- Tobacco Use in Survivors of Childhood Cancer - #F31 DA020299 (08/15/2005 - 08/15/2006) NIH/NIDA
- To identify the role of attention, overweight, and pubertal onset in the development of survivors鈥 smoking behavior PI: Kahalley
- Smoking among Survivors of Childhood Cancer - #F32 DA024503 (09/01/2007 - 09/01/2009) Grant funding from NIH/NIDA
- To examine the role of cognitive late effects in the smoking behaviors of adolescent survivors of childhood cancer PI: Kahalley
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