- Assistant Professor
Houston, Texas
- Adjunct Assistant Professor
Computational and Applied Mathematics
Rice University
Houston, Texas
- BS from Princeton University
- 06/2001 - Princeton, New Jersey
- Chemical Engineering
- PhD from University Of Virginia
- 06/2009 - Charlottesville, Virginia
- Chemical Engineering, Applied Nonlinear Dynamics
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at University Of Virginia Medical School
- 01/2010 - Charlottesville, Virginia
- Cardiovascular Medicine
Professional Statement
Each day, in hospitals across the country, patients experience life-threatening events. Their survival often depends on the fast reaction of the experienced care providers who watch constantly over them. But all too often, care staff have very little warning of impending deterioration. By the time overt symptoms appear, the damage has already been done. My research focuses on developing computer algorithms which can be used to constantly watch over patients, and provide early warnings of life-threatening events. This is possible because acute decomposition does not manifest instantaneously. It builds up over a short period of time, changing the physiologic dynamics of the patient in the process. These precursors can be subtle and hard for a human to see, given the level of noise in patient data, but a computer can be trained to detect such patterns. By using technology to anticipate such events in real-time, care can be provided proactively instead of reactively, which has tremendous potential for improving survival in critically ill patients. This represents a fundamental shift in the way that traditional patient monitoring and surveillance has been conducted over the last 50 years.Websites
Selected Publications
- Hu C, Rusin CG, Tan Z, Guagliardo NA, Barrett PQ "." J. Clin. Invest.. 2012 Jun 1;122(6):2046-53. Pubmed PMID:
- C.J. Rhee, C.D. Fraser III, K. Kibler, R.B. Easley, D.B. Andropoulos, M. Czosnyka, G.V. Varsos, P. Smielewski, C.G. Rusin, K.M. Brady, J.R. Kaiser "." J. Perinatology.. 2014 Dec;34(12):926-931.
- C.D. 3rd Fraser, K.M. Brady, C.J. Rhee, R.B. Easley, K. Kibler, P. Smielewski, M. Czosnyka, D.W. Kaczka, D.B. Andropoulos, C.G. Rusin "." J Appl Physiol. 2013 Jul;115(1):52-56.
- Rusin CG, Kori H, Kiss IZ, Hudson JL "." Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci. 2010 May 13;368(1918):2189-204. Pubmed PMID:
- Kori H, Rusin CG, Kiss IZ, Hudson JL "." Chaos. 2008 Jun;18(2):26111. Pubmed PMID:
- Blaha KA, Pikovsky A, Rosenblum M, Clark MT, Rusin CG, Hudson JL "." Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2011 Oct;84(4):46201. Pubmed PMID:
- Moorman JR, Rusin CE, Lee H, Guin LE, Clark MT, Delos JB, Kattwinkel J, Lake DE "." Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011 Aug;2011:5515-8. Pubmed PMID:
- A.D. Politano, L.M. Riccio, D.E. Lake. C.G. Rusin, L.E. Guin, C.S. Josef, M.T. Clark, R.G. Sawyer, J.R. Moorman, J.F. Calland "." Surgery. 2013 Nov;154(5):1110.
- Brady KM, Easley RB, Kibler K, Kaczka DW, Andropoulos D, Fraser CD, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M, Adams GJ, Rhee CJ, Rusin CG "." J. Appl. Physiol.. 2012 Nov;113(9):1362-8. Pubmed PMID:
- • S. Acosta, C. Puelz, B. Riviere, D.J. Penny, C.G. Rusin "." J. Comp. Phys.. 2015;294:96.
- • C.G. Rusin, I.Z. Kiss, H. Kori, and J.L. Hudson "." Ind Eng Chem Res. 2009;48(21):9416-9422.
- Rusin CG, Johnson SE, Kapur J, Hudson JL "." Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2011 Dec;84(6):66202. Pubmed PMID:
- Rusin CG, Tokuda I, Kiss IZ, Hudson JL "." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.. 2011 Oct 17;50(43):10212-5. Pubmed PMID:
- Kiss IZ, Rusin CG, Kori H, Hudson JL "." Science. 2007 Jun 29;316(5833):1886-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Clark MT, Rusin CG, Hudson JL, Lee H, Delos JB, Guin LE, Vergales BD, Paget-Brown A, Kattwinkel J, Lake DE, Moorman JR "." J. Appl. Physiol.. 2012 Mar;112(5):859-67. Pubmed PMID:
- Zagol K, Lake DE, Vergales B, Moorman ME, Paget-Brown A, Lee H, Rusin CG, Delos JB, Clark MT, Moorman JR, Kattwinkel J "." J. Pediatr.. 2012 Sep;161(3):417-421.e1. Pubmed PMID:
- S. Acosta, D.J. Penny, C.G Rusin "." Microvascular Research. 2015 Jul;100:40-47.
- B.D. Vergales, A.O. Paget-Brown, H. Lee, L.E. Guin, T.J. Smoot, C.G. Rusin, M.T Clark, J.B. Delos, K.D. Fairchild, D.E. Lake, R. Moorman, J. Kattwinkel "." Am. J. Perinatol.. 2014 Feb;31(2):157-162.
- Lee H, Rusin CG, Lake DE, Clark MT, Guin L, Smoot TJ, Paget-Brown AO, Vergales BD, Kattwinkel J, Moorman JR, Delos JB "." Physiol Meas. 2012 Jan;33(1):41291. Pubmed PMID:
- Real-Time Predictive Physiological Monitoring for Improving Patient Outcomes after Stage I Palliation Grant funding from Pediatric Heart Network (PHN) Scholar Award, supported by NHLBI
- Development of a novel patient monitoring system for post-operative patients after stage I palliation (S1P) to predict unexpected sudden deterioration and allow for early clinical intervention.
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