C Michael Fordis Jr, M.D.

C Michael Fordis Jr, M.D.
Senior Associate Dean for Continuing Professional Development
- Senior Associate Dean for Continuing Professional Development
Houston, Texas United States
- Director
Center for Collaborative & Interactive Technologies
Houston, Texas United States
- Director
Institute for Continuing Professional Development in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
Houston, Texas
- Fellowship at National Institutes Of Health
- Bethesda, Maryland United States
- Expert, Molecular Genetics Section, Laboratory of Molecular Biology
- Fellowship at National Institutes Of Health
- Bethesda, Maryland United States
- Laboratory of Chemical Biology, NIADDK
- Residency at University Of California at San Diego School of Medicine-Affiliate Hospitals
- La Jolla, California United States
- Internal Medicine
- MD from University Of California at San Diego School of Medicine
- San Diego, California United States
- BS from University Of California at Irvine
- Irvine, California United States
- Honors in Biological Sciences, Summa cum laude
Honors & Awards
- Award for Outstanding Contributions to the field of Continuing Professional Development and for Induction into the Academy of Fellows
- Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (05/2017)
- William Campbell Felch/Wyeth Award for Research in CME
- Alliance for Continuing Medical Education (01/2005)
- Service Recognition Award
- Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (05/2004)
- President’s Award for Exemplary Service in CME
- Alliance for Continuing Medical Education (01/2004)
- NIH Director's Award
- National Institutes of Health (06/1996)
- Secretary's (DHHS) Award for Exceptional Achievement
- One of the highest awards in the Department of Human Health Services, which oversees NIH.
- 05/1993
- President’s Award in recognition of outstanding leadership and contributions to the Alliance as a member of the Physician Leadership Task Force, 2008-2009
- Alliance for CME (01/2009)
Professional Interests
- Applying information and mobile technologies to healthcare provider and patient learning, decision making, and behavioral change
- Clinical decision support
- Quality improvement
- Telehealth
Professional Statement
Michael Fordis, MD is the founding director of the Center for Collaborative and Interactive Technologies (CCIT) at ²ÝÁñÉçÇøÈë¿Ú, Houston, Texas and also the Senior Associate Dean for Continuing Medical Education and Director of the Institute for Continuing Professional Development in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety. He has recently completed 8 years of service as the Director of the John M. Eisenberg Center for Clinical Decisions and Communication Sciences, the national center for evidence translation and dissemination supported by Agency for ²ÝÁñÉçÇøÈë¿Ú Research and Quality; he also as the Director of the Academic Consortium for the Patient-Centered Outcomes and Research Institute Translation Center. Before being recruited to Baylor, he served at the NIH including most the first Director of the NIH Office of Education. Dr. Fordis’ interests focus on applying information technologies to healthcare provider and patient learning, decision making, and behavioral change; quality improvement, and clinical decision support including leading the technical development of the Passport for Care, an online clinical decision support application deployed internationally for long-term survivors of childhood cancer and the clinicians who care for them. He has been active in educational and technology efforts nationally and has served as President and in leadership positions for the Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education; Chair of the Tri-group Society for the Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions; Director of the Education Core of the AHRQ-funded Houston Center for Education and Research in Therapeutics; and/or committee and task force positions for the American Heart Association; the Association of American Medical Colleges; the Conjoint Committee for CME of the Council of Medical Specialty Societies; the IOM Planning Committee for the Learning ²ÝÁñÉçÇøÈë¿Ú System in 2010 and Beyond; the Accreditation Review Committee for the Accreditation Council on Continuing Medical Education; the MedBiquitous Consortium—the ANSI-accredited developer of information technology standards for healthcare education and competence assessment; and Chairman of the Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library Board.Websites
Selected Publications
- LoPresti MA, McDeavitt JT, Wade K, Jahn LK, Viswanathan A, Fordis M, Yoshor D "." Neurosurgery. 2020 Aug;87(2):E208-E210. Pubmed PMID:
- Jalalabadi F, Izaddoost SA, Guillen DE, Fordis CM Jr, Reece EM "." Semin Plast Surg. 2018 Nov;32(4):172-175. Pubmed PMID:
- Grome L, Jalalabadi F, Fordis CM Jr, Sussman NL, Reece EM "." Semin Plast Surg. 2018 Nov;32(4):162-165. Pubmed PMID:
- Lopez KN, O'Connor M, King J, Alexander J, Challman M, Lovick DK, Goodly N, Smith A, Fawcett E, Mulligan C, Thompson D, Fordis M "." JMIR Form Res. 2018 Jul;2(2):e16. Pubmed PMID:
- Gramatges MM, Bonaduce de Nigris F, King J, Horowitz ME, Fordis M, Poplack DG "Improving Childhood Cancer Survivor Care Through Web-Based Platforms." Oncology. 2018 Jan;32(1):e1-e10.
- Morrow RW, Tattelman E, Purcell JM, King J, Fordis M "." J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2016;36(2):123-6. Pubmed PMID:
- Fordis M, King JE, Bonaduce de Nigris F, Morrow R, Baron RB, Kues JR, Norton JC, Kessler H, Mazmanian PE, Colburn L "." J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2016;36(2):104-12. Pubmed PMID:
- Ozanne EM, Schneider KM, Soeteman D, Stout N, Schrag D, Fordis M, Punglia RS "." Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2015 Nov;154(1):181-90. Pubmed PMID:
- Lopez KN, Karlsten M, Bonaduce De Nigris F, King J, Salciccioli K, Jiang A, Marelli A, Kovacs AH, Fordis M, Thompson D "." Congenit Heart Dis. 2015 Nov;10(6):561-71. Pubmed PMID:
- McMullen CK, Safford MM, Bosworth HB, Phansalkar S, Leong A, Fagan MB, Trontell A, Rumptz M, Vandermeer ML, Brinkman WB, Burkholder R, Frank L, Hommel K, Mathews R, Hornbrook MC, Seid M, Fordis M, Lambert B, McElwee N, Singh JA "." Patient Educ Couns. 2015 Jan;98(1):102-10. Pubmed PMID:
- Poplack DG, Fordis M, Landier W, Bhatia S, Hudson MM, Horowitz ME "." Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2014 Dec;11(12):740-50. Pubmed PMID:
- Volk RJ, Street R Jr, Smith Q, Fordis M "." BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2013;13(Suppl 3):S1. Pubmed PMID:
- Smith QW, Street RL Jr, Volk RJ, Fordis M "." Med Care Res Rev. 2013 Feb;70(Suppl 1):3S-13S. Pubmed PMID:
- Davis DA, Prescott J, Fordis CM, Greenberg SB, Dewey CM, Brigham T, Lieberman SA, Rockhold RW, Lieff SJ, Tenner TE "." Acad Med. 2011 Apr;86(4):468-73. Pubmed PMID:
- Fordis M, Street RL, Volk RJ, Smith Q "." J Health Commun. 2011 Jul 29;16:41342. Pubmed PMID:
- Street RL, Volk RJ, Fordis M "." Med Decis Making. 2010 Nov;30(6):694-5. Pubmed PMID:
- Colburn L, Davis D, Fordis M, Kues J, Silver I, Umuhoza O "." Acad Med. 2009 Aug;84(8):1168. Pubmed PMID:
- Horowitz ME, Fordis M, Krause S, McKellar J, Poplack DG "." J Oncol Pract. 2009;5(3):110-2. Pubmed PMID:
- Bhupatiraju RT, Hersh WR, Smothers V, Fordis M, Greene PS "." Source Code Biol Med. 2008;3:7. Pubmed PMID:
- Fordis M, Alexander JD, McKellar J "." Acad Med. 2007 Aug;82(8):769-72. Pubmed PMID:
- Davis DA, Mazmanian PE, Fordis M, Van Harrison R, Thorpe KE, Perrier L "." JAMA. 2006 Sep 6;296(9):1094-102. Pubmed PMID:
- Fordis M, King JE, Ballantyne CM, Jones PH, Schneider KH, Spann SJ, Greenberg SB, Greisinger AJ "." JAMA. 2005 Sep 7;294(9):1043-51. Pubmed PMID:
- Scott LW, Balasubramanyam A, Kimball KT, Aherns AK, Fordis CM, Ballantyne CM "." Diabetes Care. 2003 Aug;26(8):2481-2. Pubmed PMID:
- Fordis M "." Clin Res. 1993 Apr;41(2):165-78. Pubmed PMID:
- Sakamoto K, Fordis CM, Corsico CD, Howard TH, Howard BH "." J. Biol. Chem.. 1991 Feb 15;266(5):3031-8. Pubmed PMID:
- Fordis CM, Helmly B, Novotny E, Holter W, Barker JL, Howard BH "." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.. 1990 Feb;87(3):1169-73. Pubmed PMID:
- Kane SE, Reinhard DH, Fordis CM, Pastan I, Gottesman MM "." Gene. 1989 Dec 14;84(2):439-46. Pubmed PMID:
- Holter W, Fordis CM, Howard BH "." Exp. Cell Res.. 1989 Oct;184(2):546-51. Pubmed PMID:
- Goldstein S, Fordis CM, Howard BH "." Nucleic Acids Res.. 1989 May 25;17(10):3959-71. Pubmed PMID:
- Padmanabhan R, Corsico CD, Howard TH, Holter W, Fordis CM, Willingham M, Howard BH "." Anal. Biochem.. 1988 May 1;170(2):341-8. Pubmed PMID:
- Fordis CM, Howard BH "." Meth. Enzymol.. 1987;151:382-97. Pubmed PMID:
- Fordis CM, Nelson N, McCormick M, Padmanabhan R, Howard B, Schechter AN "." Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.. 1986 Jan 14;134(1):128-33. Pubmed PMID:
- Fordis CM, Nelson N, Dean A, Schechter AN, Anagnou NP, Nienhuis AW, McCormick M, Padmanabhan R, Howard BH "." Prog. Clin. Biol. Res.. 1985;191:281-92. Pubmed PMID:
- Dean A, Wu YJ, Ley T, Fordis CM, Schechter AN "." Prog. Clin. Biol. Res.. 1985;191:205-16. Pubmed PMID:
- Fordis CM, Anagnou NP, Dean A, Nienhuis AW, Schechter AN "." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.. 1984 Jul;81(14):4485-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Fordis CM, Megorden JS, Ropchak TG, Keiser HR "." Hypertension. 1983 Sep;5(5):635-41. Pubmed PMID:
- Dean A, Ley TJ, Humphries RK, Fordis M, Schechter AN "." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.. 1983 Sep;80(18):5515-9. Pubmed PMID:
- Dean A, Ley TJ, Humphries RK, Fordis CM, Schechter AN "." Prog. Clin. Biol. Res.. 1983;134:323-34. Pubmed PMID:
- Jeste DV, Linnoila M, Fordis CM, Phelps BH, Wagner RL, Wyatt RJ "." J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1982 Oct;2(5):318-20. Pubmed PMID:
- Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME)
- The American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
- The American Medical Association (AMA)
- The American Telemedicine Association (ATA)
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