Benjamin Berry, Ph.D.

Benjamin Berry, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
- Staff Psychologist
Adolescent Treatment Program
The Menninger Clinic
- PhD from University of Toledo
- Toledo, Ohio United States
- Internship at 草榴社区入口 / The Menninger Clinic
- Houston, Texas United States
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at 草榴社区入口 / The Menninger Clinic
- Houston, Texas United States
Professional Interests
- Assessment and treatment of personality disorders in adolescents and adults
- Dimensional models of psychopathology (DSM-5 AMPD; HiTOP)
- Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Selected Publications
- Berry, B.A., & Meyer, G.J. "." Journal of Personality Assessment. 2019;101:402-413. Pubmed PMID:
- Berry, B.A., & Meyer, G.J. "The effects of coding the location of individual objects in a normative sample of Rorschach data." Journal of Personality Assessment. 2020;102:124-134.
- Berry, B.A. "Experimenter characteristics, social desirability, and the Implicit Association Test." Psi Chi J. Psychol. Res.. 2015;20:247-257.
- Berry, B.A., Meyer, G.J., O'Gorman, E.T., Roy, M., Sholander, L.E., & Mihura, J.L. "Simulating local biases in visual attention in neurocognitive performance." Percept. Mot. Skills.. 2024;
- Rucker, J., Berry, B., Sharp, C. "Assessing Criterion A of the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders: The potential of performance-based personality measures." J. Pers. Disord. 2024;
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