Alexandra Balzer Caloudas

Alexandra Balzer Caloudas
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Investigator
Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety
Behavioral Health Program
Michael E. Debakey VA Medical Center
Texas, Houston
- PhD from University of Missouri-Columbia
- 07/2012 - Columbia, Missouri United States
- Counseling Psychology
- MEd from University of Missouri-Columbia
- 05/2008 - Columbia, Missouri
- Counseling Psychology
- BA from University of Missouri-Columbia
- 05/2005 - Columbia, Missouri
- Psychology
- Licensed Psychologist
- Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Professional Interests
- Women's health
- Increasing access to mental health care using novel and innovative technologies and delivery systems (e.g. video telehealth, digital mental health applications, web-based programs)
- Sexual health and functioning, especially how sexual health intersects with mental health
- Cultural adaptation of mental health interventions and resources (e.g. psychoeducational materials, digital applications, programs) to improve patient engagement and satisfaction
- Community engaged research approaches
- Rural mental health
- American Psychological Association
- Adapting a Novel Evidence-Based Intervention for Women Aimed at Increasing Sexual Desire (ANEW-SD)
- $50,300.00 (04/01/2022 - 03/01/2023) Grant funding from South Central Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center (SC MIRECC) Pilot Program
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