- Senior Bioinformatics Analyst
Advanced Technology Cores
Mass Spectrometry Proteomics
Houston, TX US
- 草榴社区入口 (Office)
BCM-Cullen Building
Room: BCMC-363A
Houston, TX 77030
United States
- BS from Texas A&M University - Main Campus
12/2013 -
College Station, Texas United States
- Biochemistry
- PhD from 草榴社区入口
02/2019 -
Houston, Texas United States
Professional Statement
I am a computational proteomics scientist in the Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Core. Proteomics has rapidly advanced over the past decade, notably with the introduction of high resolution accurate mass detectors that allow detection of more proteins, with less starting material, and higher quantitative accuracy. Similarly, advances in addressing unique challenges in proteomics data processing have increased our ability to interpret acquired data. Further, our ability to draw biological interpretations has been aided by past advancements in analyzing high-throughput microarray, and later RNASeq data. Thus the stage has been set for proteomics to enhance our understanding of molecular biology, signal transduction, and much more.
Exploration, implementation, and assessment of continuously emerging data acquisition and processing techniques helps us stay on the forefront of the proteomics field. I have built a novel peptide grouping program (PMID: 30093420, github: asalt/gpgrouper) and have implemented automation pipelines for our facility. In addition, I construct and maintain analysis toolboxes to rapidly perform fundamental analyses including quality control assessment, examination of potential batch effects, sample and protein clustering, and statistical and bioinformatic procedures.