If you work from home, are on a time crunch, or you just don’t enjoy the gym, exercising at home will allow you to break a sweat effectively. Find…
Neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer that develops from neural cells on the adrenal glands, accounts for 15% of childhood cancer deaths. Almost half of…
Late summer often brings the hottest days of the year and while it’s important to protect your skin from overexposure to the sun’s rays, it also is…
A new school year presents the opportunity for many students to start a new physical activity or get back into playing their favorite sport, but it’s…
Texas has the highest rate of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) – the most common form of liver cancer – in the U.S. Within Texas, incidence rates vary…
Many families may not have the financial means to enroll their children in summer activities or after-school extracurriculars this year, but parents…