Dr. Olia Poursina Awarded at Mini Retreat

Amanda May

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Dr. Olia Poursina

Dr. Olia Poursina, research assistant in the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery, placed third in the ‘Best Asynchronous Posters’ at the 2021 Cancer Prevention and Population Science Mini-Retreat. Her project was titled, “Harnessing Digital Health to Objectively Assess Cancer-Related Fatigue: The Impact of Fatigue on Mobility Performance.” The poster was co-authored by Dr. Yvonne Sada, assistant professor in the Division of Hematology and Oncology, Dr. He Zhou, Dr. Biruh Workeneh, associate professor at M.D. Anderson, Dr. Sandhya Maddali, and Dr. Bijan Najafi, professor of surgery in the Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy. 

The Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences Program is focused on conducting exceptional translational research in cancer prevention and control. CPPS achieves this by promoting and facilitating innovative, multi-disciplinary scientific interactions focused on reducing cancer morbidity and mortality and improving cancer outcomes. CPPS membership is comprised of nationally and internationally recognized scientists with expertise that spans the cancer continuum, including epidemiology, biologic and behavioral sciences, health services research, and quantitative sciences. The setting of CPPS’ research priorities includes promoting scientific inquiry directed at addressing the cancer prevention and control needs of the people and communities of Houston metropolitan statistical area, Texas, our catchment area. This includes special emphasis to facilitate the conduct of research that addresses the cancer health disparities specific to our catchment area.

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